RA NA Speaker Took Part in the Solemn Ceremony of Handing over Diplomas to the ASUE Graduates
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On June 24 the RA National Assembly Speaker, the President of the Council of Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) Hovik Abrahamyan took part in the solemn ceremony of handing over diplomas to the ASUE graduates at Moscow cinema in Yerevan. Artak Davtyan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Armen Ashotyan, Minister of Education and Science, NA deputies, ASUE lecturers, students and parents attended the event.

Congratulating the bachelors, the NA Speaker, who is also the alumnus of this higher educational institution, said: “It’s a great honour for me to take part in the Graduation Ceremony of one of the best and traditional higher educational institutions, Armenian State University of Economics, in our country.

The youth has always been and remains the motive force of society as a politically active part, as bearer of more flexible and fresh way of thinking, new worldview and as the part demonstrating initiatives. The young generation has the responsibility to be cleverer and better.

In the mutual relations of states and societies, in value assessment systems the shifts, which take place at more accelerated rates and by methods upgrading day by day, drive the youth to new way of working and way of living. Modern technologies have become leaders and guides of development processes. In this case, the role of high quality education and fundamental knowledge, which will give an opportunity to display more considered approach, make decisions and look at the future with confidence, is extremely important.

Knowledge and education have always enjoyed and enjoy respect among us. The qualified specialist is appreciated in any society, especially, if the rating of the given educational institution is high. Armenian State University of Economics is the educational center, which has always been conspicuous for its highly qualified human resources, staff of professors and lecturers, scientific potential, and, of course, alumni who are engaged both in state system and private sector in Armenia and overseas.

Dear alumni,

Today, the economist’s profession is demanded not only in our country, but also in the whole world. You have a grand opportunity in order your received education and the diploma of higher educational institution promote to the best realization of your possibilities and capabilities, your personal success, career and, which is most important, the progress of the country. You should be responsible not only to yourself, but also to the country and the people, be ready to serve the Homeland with weapon, thought and creative work. There is no way out but to develop, and at the same time, to keep our face and dignity. We should be able to do that with practical steps, refraining from slander and intolerance.

It’s an old saying: knowledge gives weight, gives glory to achievement, most people only see the glory, not to weigh the weight. And today it’s very important that not the external glory attracts you, but the knowledge. You should not only possess the knowledge, but also apply them in life.

I congratulate all of you on the occasion of graduating from higher educational institution and wish you good luck in new life.”

In 2010-2011 educational year 1144 students have graduated from the ASUE with 22 economic specialties. 84 graduates out of them received diplomas with honour. The RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan handed over diplomas to the five of them.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Artak Davtyan, the Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan and the ASUE President Koryun Atoyan addressed their congratulations and wishes to the students and handed over diplomas.