Next Phase of Artavazd Theatrical Awarding Ceremony Held in Artashat
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During Artavazd annual theatrical awarding ceremony which was held in Yerevan in 2010 RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan, under whose patronage the awarding ceremony was taking place, proposed to hold the next phase of Artavazd in the city of Artashat in order to make more active the cultural life of the population of the marzes.

And one year ago on March 28, 2011 in the Armenian theatre of Ararat marz cnetre the laureates of Artavazd awarding ceremony, who were awarded in Yerevan Hakob Paronian Musical Comedy Theatre the day before, were hosted. As the Chairman of the Theatrical Figures’ Union of Armenia Hakob Ghazanchyan noted, a new tradition had been launched on Hovik Abrahamyan’s initiative: to hold Artavazd awarding ceremony in two phases, first in Yerevan, then in one of the marzes.

In his word, the governor of Ararat marz Edik Barseghyan, congratulated on the World Theatre Day and stressed the significant role of Artashat theatre in the cultural life of the marz. He stressed the NA Speaker’s caring attitude towards the theatre and thanked Hovik Abrahamyan, saying that the theatre of Artashat was completely repaired when he was the Mayor of Artashat.

NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan was awarded Gold Medal of the Theatrical Figures’ Union for rendering invaluable services and World Theatre Day.

Congratulating the figures of the theatrical art on World Theatre Day Hovik Abrahamyan noted that today in our country the attitude towards theatres, culture is highlighted by state. The NA Speaker noted that 14 years ago the Artashat theatre was repaired. As in 53 B.C. when the basis of the Armenian theatre was laid by staging The Bacchus by Euripides, so after the mentioned repairing this tragedy was staged in Artashat Amo Kharazian Drama Theatre (where the Artashat phase of Artavazd was taking place by the NA Speaker’s participation).

Highlighting the role of the theatre in the formation of the society’s value system Hovik Abrahamyan once again congratulated everybody on World Theatre Day.

The laureates of Artavazd performed in Artashat Theatre, and at the end of the ceremony they had been taken photograph with the NA Speaker.