RA NA Speaker Rceives the Memebers of Korea-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group
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Four women members of Korea-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Cho Bae Sook, Choi Kyung Hee, Jun Hye Sook, Park Youngah arrived in Armenia.

On March 23 RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan received the Korean deputies.

Greeting the guests the NA Speaker highlighted the development of political and economic relations with the Republic of Korea and noted that the activity of the parliamentary friendship groups would promote the expansion and strengthening of the relations between the two countries. According to Hovik Abrahamyan, Armenia attaches big importance to the development of relations with the Asian regional countries and observes the cooperation with the Republic of Korea one of the important links. He expressed conviction that there existed big potential for further development and strengthening of bilateral relations in different directions between Armenia and Korea. He highly assessed the support of Korea and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and GS Group Company to the Project of the Development of the Capabilities of the Armenian Parliament, in particular, the technical renovation of the Session Hall of the National Assembly. In Hovik Abrahamyan’s word, the parliamentary diplomacy as an important component can be an impetus in the process of development of active and mutually beneficial cooperation having a tendency of development.

The Inter-Parliamentary Friendship groups formed in the parliaments of the Republic of Korea can have their considerable contribution in strengthening the relations between two countries and peoples and in revelation of new spheres of cooperation. Hovik Abrahamyan highlighted the development of cooperation in international structures.

At the end of the meeting the NA Speaker reaffirmed his invitation to the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Mr Park Hee-tae Hi Tae to visit Armenia.

Thanking for warm reception the members of Korea-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group noted that being first time in Armenia they felt in very close environment. Stressing that Armenia-Korea cooperation is laid on serious bases they considered necessary the further development of the relations with the Armenian Parliament, and in this context highly assessed the visit of NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan to the Republic of Korea, which greatly promoted the activation and deepening of bilateral relations. The women deputies noted that in their return they would do their best in order to more strengthen Korea-Armenia cooperation and develop the inter-parliamentary relations.

At the meeting other issues of bilateral interest were discussed.

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