At NA Extraordinary Session
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At December 17 NA extraordinary session the NA deputies continued to debate the bill On Trash Pickup and Sanitary Cleaning and the package of bills proposing amendments and addenda to a number of laws, which were interrupted at the sitting.

Presenting the view of the Heritage faction Styopa Safaryna considered the bill under debate unacceptable.

Galust Sahakyan submitted the view of the RPA faction. He said that the government had removed a number of draft laws from the agenda as a result of debate of coalition factions and by the NA Speaker’s proposal, and later touching upon the draft law under debate considered unacceptable the opposition’s extremely politicized assessments. Galust Sahakyan said that their faction would vote for the draft law.

After the debate of the issue the NA deputies passed by voting the bills, which were debated at the previous sitting, and the bill On Trash Pickup and Sanitary Cleaning and the package of bills proposing amendments and addenda to a number of laws was not passed due to lack of quorums: the ARF and the Heritage factions by political decision did not take part in the voting of the bill.

The National Assembly in the second reading debated the package of bills proposing addenda and amendments to the law On Order of Glory and to a number of laws.

The NA deputies debated the bill On State Pensions submitted for the second reading and the package of bills proposing amendments and addenda in five dozens of laws concerning it.

Before touching upon the very package the RA Government authoritative representative, the RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan submitted in the first reading the bill On Amending the RA Law on General Prosecutor’s Office, which was included in the package and the first article, added in the bill On Amending the RA law On Social Security Cards.

Artem Asatryan also submitted the pension complete package to the deputies for passing in the second reading, comprised of 49 bills. Amendments were made to the law On Income Tax, as a result of which, in case of voluntarily paying accumulated pension privileges on income tax are envisaged for boosting the voluntary system.

The parliament will continue the debate of the issue on Monday in the afternoon on December 20.

Outgoing Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local-Self Government to Shirak Marz
On December 17 the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local-Self Government to Shirak Marz led by Hovhannes Margaryan held an outgoing sitting in the villages of Aregnadem, Jajur and Arapi of RA Shirak Marz. We’ll note that the outgoing sitting being held by the NA Standing Com...