First Day of the NA Four-Day Sittings
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On December 6 the four-day sittings of the National Assembly began with the approval of the agendas of the session and four-day sittings, after which the NA deputies passed by voting the bill On Amending the RA Law On the Citizens, Who Has Not Passed Compulsory Military Service by Violating the Established Order. The students of Yerevan Andranik Margaryan No. 29 Senior School attended the NA Sitting.

The National Assembly continued the debate of the issue of the conclusion of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs On the Monitoring of the Procedure of the Fulfillment of the Proposals Included in the Conclusion of RA NA Ad-Hoc Inquiry Committee into the Events Occurred on March 1-2, 2008 in Yerevan and Their Reasons, which was interrupted on the previous day.

Armen Martirosayan submitted the Heritage faction’s viewpoint on the conclusion. According to him, the faction’s opinion is that the Ad-hoc Committee should carry out monitoring.

Artsvik Minasyan submitted the ARF Faction viewpoint that the latter opined that a new Ad-hoc Committee should be set up from parliamentary and extra-parliamentary political forces.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Davit Harutyunyan in his final speech expressed regret that many political interpellations were voiced, and there were no practical proposals, as the works of the committee would be continuous. He called on the opposition representatives to actively take part in the works of the committee and submit concrete proposals.

The package of the bills On Making Addenda to RA Law On Legal Acts, On Making Addendum to RA Law NA Rules of Procedure submitted in the second reading was debated.

Styopa Safaryan submitted the view of the Heritage Faction, and Artsvik Minasyan expressed the view of the ARF Faction.

The draft laws of On Making Amendment and Addendum to RA Law on Value Added Tax, On Amending the RA Law On Profit Tax (package of bills), On Making Amendments and Addenda to RA Law On Human Rights Defender, On Making Addendum in RA Judicial Code, On Making Addendum to RA Law On State Administration Institutions (package of bills) submitted in the second reading were also debated.

The NA deputies debated the package of RA draft laws On Making Addendum and Amendments to RA Law On Order of Glory, On RA State Awards and On Amending the RA Law On Order of Honour.

The debate of the issue will continue at December 7 National Assembly sitting.

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