Budget Debates in the NA Standing Committees Continue
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At the joint sitting on October 19 of the NA standing committees on State and Legal Affairs and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the debates of the RA draft law on RA 2011 State Budget continued on the envisaging financing for the expenditures of maintaining the legislative, executive and judicial bodies of the power.

RA Deputy Minister Pavel Safaryan informed about the allocations by state budget.

In the certain branches of the state administration the responsible persons of the spheres presented the budget allocations.

The Deputy Chief of RA President’s Staff Ara Gyurjyan said that increase of salaries is not expected, except the additional payments envisaged by RA Law on the Civil Servants’ Payments.

RA NA Chief of Staff Gegham Gharibjanyan presented the expenditures being envisaged for the NA deputies and the staff. Mr. Gharibjanyan noted that with respect to administration in the NA sufficient changes have been made: programmes are jointly carried out with USAID and EU Office, sufficient programmes have even been carried out with OSCE Yerevan Office. Taking into account the possibilities of the budget, an attempt had been made to make use of the assistance of the international structures. In this context, the NA Chief of Staff expressed hope that in the first quarter of the coming year it would be possible to give new computers to the deputies. Mr Gharibjanyan underlined that during the last years the parliamentary diplomacy had been activated.

The Chief of Staff of RA Government Davit Sargsyan said that by the budget of 2011 the increase of the sphere of communication would be directed at the strengthening of the electronic management.

RA Minister of Justice Gevorg Danielyan reported about the envisioned expenditures of the criminal-executive service in 2011.

The Chief of Staff of the Constitutional Court Arushan Hakobyan, The Chief of Staff of RA Prosecutor General Office Ashot Yesayan, the Chief of Staff of the Chamber Control Harutyun Yavryan, The Deputy Chief of Staff of RA Judiciary Department Nora Karapetyan, the Chairman of RA Civil Service Council Manvel Badalyan and the Chairman of RA Central Electoral Commission Garegin Azaryan also presented the budget allocations of the relevant spheres.

A joint sitting of the NA standing committees on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs and on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government Bodies was held presided over by Gagik Minasyan and Hovhannes Margaryan, where the allocations envisaged for RA communities by 2011 RA state budget draft were discussed.

Deputies, governors of the marzes and heads of the spheres took part in the debate.

The Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Kamo Areyan presented the financing envisaged for the community of Yerevan according to directions.

The representatives of the marzes in their speeches noted that in general, they were pleased with the size of financing envisaged for the marzes, as the raised problems were debated and solved.