RA NA Factions Send Letters to the Heads of the International Organizations


MR. Ban Ki-moon






MR. PETROS Efthymiou

On October 5, at 3 a.m. a civilian kidnapped from the borderline zone of Armenia, shepherd Manvel Saribekyan, died in Azerbaijan. Referring to the joint statement of the Ministry of Defence and Military Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan the media of the country notes that “a suicide” took place. Meanwhile a video record spread by the Azerbaijani mass media clearly shows the traces of violence on the body of Manvel Saribekyan.

The parliamentary factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia strictly condemn the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the death of Manvel Saribekyan and demand that Azerbaijan calls for responsibility all the officials who are liable in the death of Manvel Saribekyan according to the documents ratified by Azerbaijan, namely: the provisions of the 2nd and 3rd articles of the European Convention on Human Rights, Geneva Conventions and the United Nations “Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” adopted on December 10, 1984.

At the same time, considering the fact that the International Committee of the Red Cross is the guarantor of the Geneva Convention and the provisions of the enclosed protocols, the parliamentary factions of the National Assembly condemn the inactivity and indifference of the Armenian and the Azerbaijani Offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross to this issue.

The official version of the suicide voiced by Azerbaijan is assessed by us as an attempt to avoid the responsibility and apply impunity, as before death there have been traces of violence on the body of the citizen. Even in case of the version of suicide, the assumption of inclining the citizen to commit a suicide arises, which should be thoroughly examined by the relevant bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, undoubtedly, allowing participation of the experts from the Republic of Armenia as well as of the international experts in the process.

The Republic of Azerbaijan, by ratifying a number of international documents regarding the protection of human rights, is responsible for the security of every person within the administrative borders of the country. Revelation of every assault directed at the foreigner’s life should become a matter of concern for the representatives of the country under the protection of which the given person is.

Thus, we demand that representatives of the law enforcement bodies of the Republic of Armenia be involved in the examination of the death case of Manvel Saribekyan, who is under the protection of the Republic of Armenia and make accountable those guilty.

We also call on the PACE, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, relevant bodies of the UN and the European Union to assist involving the experts of Armenia and international independent experts in the process of investigation of the case.

Parliamentary factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia:

Republican Party of Armenia                       Galust Sahakyan

“Prosperous Armenia” Party                       Gagik Tsarukyan

Armenian Revolutionary Federation Party    Vahan Hovhannisyan

Rule of Law Party                                      Heghine Bisharyan

Heritage Party                                            Stepan Safaryan

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