Working Visit of RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan to the European Parliament Continues
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On July 13 the working visit of RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan to the European Parliament continued.

The NA President gave a speech at the special sitting of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. Addressing those present Hovik Abrahamyan said:

“Dear Mr. Albertini,

Distinguished members of the European Parliament,

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I wish to welcome you and all members of the European Parliament and convey our thanks for the invitation and warm reception. The Armenian side also attaches great importance to the current format of the meeting, given the role of the EP committee in shaping the stance regarding the foreign policy of the European Parliament. I strongly hope that as a result of interested discussions we shall have the opportunity to hold an in-depth deliberation of the prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Today I have the honour to present my country – Armenia in this beautiful Palace, which best symbolizes the European values. The values, which the Armenian people took care of for the 3000 years of its existence and due thereto overcame all dangers and natural disasters it faced, including the 1915 Armenian Genocide – the most cruel and tragic page in its history.

History attests that the European countries and the Armenian people had cooperated with each other for centuries, and we were consolidated by the same values the current European ideology is based upon. I proudly state that the Armenian people relying on the same ideology and beliefs restored its independent statehood in 1991. The price for independence has always been extremely high for the Armenians, but we never avoided paying for it. And it is within this historical and cultural context that the readiness of Armenia to move towards European integration and establish close links with the European Union is explained. True, we have a long way to cover, however we are resolved to achieve justice, democracy, stability and establishment of regional peace.

Armenia together with the values and aspirations it is committed to is an indivisible part of Europe. The common character with Europe is conditioned not only by the linguistic, cultural and ideological factors, but also due to the existence of numerous Armenian communities living in European countries. The direct contacts between the societies of EU countries and Armenia could become good prerequisites for the establishment of real partnership relations in different fields. In this respect Armenia attaches great importance to the process of facilitating visa requirements for its citizens travelling to the EU. Being well aware of the nuances of this matter, in particular the security aspect of the issue in some EU countries, I believe the humanitarian aspect of the matter should also be taken into consideration, which would enable thousands of people to move freely and contact each other.

The development of the relations with EU can be conventionally divided into several phases, i.e. establishment of primary relations: creation of the 1991-1996 structural format of cooperation and signing and implementation RA-EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement in 1996-2006 and strengthened with mutual obligation, implementation of new qualitative cooperation, beginning from 2006 within EU Neighbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnership format.

By the five-year Action Plan of the European Neighbourhood Policy, which entered into force from January 1, 2007 Armenia assumed commitment in 8 primary directions to cooperate with EU and registered progress. Those spheres are: justice, human rights, economy, creation of investment favorable conditions, bureaucratic administration and legislation approximation, energy sphere, regional cooperation and efforts in the settlement of NK problem.

By RA President’s decree an inter-departmental committee coordinating the cooperation with European structures was created in order to more regulate the works of the implementation of the Action Plan.

During 2009 Armenia joined within general foreign and security policy formats the EU 108 announcements from 138, more than 85 per cent, our other neighbours, Georgia and Azerbaijan, correspondingly 70 and 40 per cent. Armenia in general is very active in the issues concerning the EU general foreign and security policy.

By EU assessment Armenia’s state and non-state structures actively took part in the multi-lateral format of the Eastern Partnership, in particular, through open dialogue and elaboration of working programmes.

Important steps have been taken in the sphere of the corruption fighting to improve the legal field. The anti-corruption strategy adopted in October 2009 includes observation and assessment system.

Considerable place is given to legislative reforms, and the necessity of the implementation and improvement of the laws is stressed. In this connection we’ll record that RA authorities continuously take steps also by the support of EU Advisory Group, both in calling into life the proposals registered in the report, and implementation of the reforms in different spheres.

During 2009-2010 significant developments took place in RA-European Union relations, as well as within European Union. In particular, in May 2009 by the start of the Eastern Partnership a new basis was laid for raising RA-EU cooperation to a new qualitative level. From December 1, 2009 the Lisbon Treaty was entered into force, by which a number of reforms were made.

Since Armenia’s independence the European trend and rapprochement with the EU has always been among the priorities of our country’s foreign and domestic policy. Armenia focuses on the development of its relations both with the European institutions and European countries at bilateral level.

Here I need to state that the establishment of cooperation with the EU is not a decision pushed from the outside for Armenia, but is within Armenia’s interests, since it is aimed at the implementation of reforms in the economy, human rights, democracy, rule of law and all fields of public life. Over the recent years we accomplished serious reforms, which were approved by different international institutions. We amended the electoral code, the role of parliament due to the constitutional amendments was increased. This contributed to the increased role of political parties within the public. I cannot say that we lack problems. There is a path for some processes to be covered by each and every new independent state.

The Armenia-European Union relationship is currently dynamically developing. Within this context we attach a particular importance to the development of a high-level political dialogue. The bilateral relations entered a qualitatively new stage through the launch of the Eastern Partnership, which allows for a new framework of opportunities for the partner countries and can become a solid basis for the development of inter-parliamentary relations.

Regarding the domestic policy reform Armenia was among the first to initiate the idea of consultancy support, according to which in the Armenian state bodies, including the National Assembly with the view of submitting proposals on coordinated reform since early 2009 an EU consulting group has been operating both in Armenia and other Eastern Partnership member states. The first meeting of the Armenia-EU dialogue on human rights held in Yerevan in 2009 enabled to address issues of mutual interest and concern, as well as to discuss the prospects of human rights related specific cooperation.

It is with satisfaction that I wish to mention the launch of the Association Agreement with Armenia anticipated on July 19 in Yerevan.It will open up new horizons for treaty relations providing a more inclusive cooperation in the feasible future, including the opportunity to establish a free trade zone. The Association Agreement between Armenia and the EU is not an ordinary treaty. It symbolizes a qualitatively new stage of cooperation and a new destination of in-depth relationship. The new agreement will be based on civilization values, common features and shared vision of the future and will reflect the specific and pragmatic interests of the parties thereto. Hence we take the negotiating process preparations seriously, implementing relevant structural reform and passing regulations aimed at the most efficient implementation of the process. We highly appreciate the special attention of the European Parliament to this matter, which is proved by the designation of a rapporteur.

Currently parliamentary diplomacy plays a significant role and its contribution to the establishment and strengthening of democracy in states is tangible. The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia is committed to legislative reforms aimed at the approximation of our country’s legislation with European and international standards.

We focus on the establishment of cooperation at the parliamentary level both within the bilateral and multilateral formats and stand ready to cooperate in all regional initiatives of the European Parliament, among which is the Parliamentary Assembly of the Euronest. It will promote the strengthening of bilateral inter-parliamentary ties and the exchange and enlargement of the best practices of the European parliamentarism.

I would like to express my satisfaction with the current level of the Armenia-EU parliamentary cooperation. Here the Armenia-EU parliamentary cooperation committee displays an effective activity, and its next meeting will take place in autumn. We have still a lot to do in this field and further review is needed.

The Armenian side closely follows the preparation of the reports on Armenia, South Caucasus, Black Sea region and Eastern Partnership in the European Parliament. This circumstance attests to the increasing attention towards our region by Europe.

I wish to emphasize that there are trends of deepening cooperation between the transnational political parties of Armenia and Europe, in particular the activation of relations with the European People’s Party, the Socialists and European Liberals. This is a major circumstance in the future deepening of our relations with European institutions.

It is my strong belief that the readiness of the European Union to promote the cooperation between the countries of the South Caucasus will turn into effective steps, which will greatly enhance the establishment of stability and peaceful coexistence in our region. Regrettably not all the countries of the region display readiness to fully engage in the work aimed at the establishment of multilateral cooperation within the Eastern Partnership. I mean Azerbaijan’s stand to exclude the cooperation with Armenia within this initiative. We need to refrain from actions and statements contravening the fundamental principle of the Eastern Partnership aimed atpromotion of an inclusive regional cooperation. We highly appreciate the approach of the European Commission on the depoliticization of the discussions of platforms on cooperation and focus on the implementation of specific programs. Armenia stands ready not only for an active participation, but also hosting events within the partnership.

The Republic of Armenia is committed to a foreign policy anchored on mutual trust and respect for mutual interests, and is ready to implement all commitments and obligations undertaken at the bilateral and multilateral levels.

I would like to refer to two issues of key importance for the stability, lasting peace and cooperation in our region – in particular the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict and Armenia-Turkey relations.

The peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict is of vital importance. In particular the problem has a solution based on the principles of territorial integrity, self-determination of nations and non-use of force of the international law set forth in the OSCE Helsinki Final Act. Regrettably Azerbaijan is committed to its deconstructive policy and continues the arms race based on its oil profits in the region violating all norms under the treaty of conventional arms in Europe. The top Azeri leadership does not end its bellicose rhetoric thus filling its public with enmity towards Armenians. Even at the threshold of negotiations for regional cooperation Azerbaijan does not quit the use of the threat of military operations, and a proof of this is the recently adopted military doctrine. However the stance of Azerbaijan committed to a practice dangerous for the entire region to date has not been assessed properly by international organizations.

The issue of Nagorno-Karabagh has many delicate and sensitive aspects, and in passing public statements and documents on positions related to this matter the Armenian side expects basically unbiased and balanced approaches. In this respect I have forwarded a letter to the President of the European Parliament regarding the resolution of the European Parliament passed on 20 May 2010 on the need for an EUstrategy for the South Caucasus. The resolution includes incorrect formulations on Nagorno-Karabagh, since the author of the resolution, being not quite aware of the nuances of the problem, has never visited the region and consulted the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, mediators of the negotiating process, in particular the representative of France – member of the EU. As a result major facts related to the essence of the conflict are neglected:

·the right of the Nagorno-Karabagh people to self-determination cannot be in contravention with the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, since Nagorno- Karabagh had never been within Azerbaijan, which proclaimed independence in 1918 nor within current Azerbaijan which is the legal heir of the latter;

·in response to the peaceful and legal process of the exercise of the right of the Nagorno-Karabagh people to self-determination Azerbaijan applied force and in 1991-1994 unleashed a large-scale war against the Nagorno-Karabaghi people, which resulted in the realities in the conflict zone;

·because of the fact that Nagorno-Karabagh is not yet internationally recognized Armenia represents and defends its interests, but cannot replace it. As a result it cannot undertake commitments instead of Nagorno-Karabagh in matters related to the vital interests of NKR. Hence the recognition by Azerbaijan of Nagorno- Karabagh as a party to negotiations will promote the establishment of efficient and full negotiations.

To neglect these realities would negatively impact the process of the settlement of the Karabagh conflict. The recent Azerbaijani provocation at the border was not accidental, which resulted in the death of 5 Armenian soldiers and 1 Azeri soldier.

I would also like to mention that the resolution of the European Parliament includes interesting ideas on the mechanisms of the further deepening of relations between the South Caucasus and the EU.

The regulation of the Armenian-Turkish relations is important both within the regional and international context. Unfortunately at present Turkey is not ready to continue the started process without preconditions pursuant to the spirit of the protocols signed in Zurich with high international mediation, thus putting an end to the only closed border in Europe. Highly valuing the mediation in its initiative at the international level and striving to maintain the settlement possibility of Armenian-Turkish relations Armenia stands ready to bring the process to its logical end, if Turkey displays political will and positive steps are seen towards this end.

Being committed to its principles and implementation of the obligations stemming from the protocols the Republic of Armenia immediately included the ratification process of these papers into the agenda of the National Assembly. The international community highly appreciated the constructive stand of the Republic of Armenia.

Regrettably for over one year Turkey not only did make any progress in this process, but on the contrary, started to put forward preconditions, which had nothing to do with the provisions set forth in the protocols. Given the irrelevant delays in the Turkish parliament related to the ratification of the protocols within a reasonable time-frame, the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan recalled the protocols from the agenda of the Armenian parliament though retaining the signature of the Armenian side under the protocols, thus respecting the high reputation of the mediators. We are convinced that the settlement of the Armenian-Turkish relations will greatly promote the strengthening ofsecurity and cooperation in the region.

With respect to this issue I would like to apply to your committee expecting that the European Union will be more consistent in the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey without preconditions and opening of the border.

Before concluding my remarks I would like to focus on the role of the European Parliament in the development of democracy in Armenia and express my conviction, that through our joint efforts and exclusively through cooperation it is possible to settle the existing problems in the region, which in its turn, will promote the shaping of a climate of mutual trust.

Dear colleagues,

Every delegation, which visits the country that we represent here, gets an absolutely new distinct picture about our political, economic and cultural progress, and why not, about the difficulties. Right, as recently with recently diametrically changed impressions the delegation of the Parliament of France returned to the Motherland after visiting Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, where were included the representatives not only from France-Armenia, but also France-Turkey Parliamentary Friendship groups.

With the view of mainstreaming the contacts between our parliaments I wish to invite delegates of all factions represented in the European Parliament, in particular in your committee, to pay a study visit to Armenia outside the existing formal format to have a closer look at our country and familiarize yourselves with the historical and cultural values of Armenia and enjoy the hospitality of the Armenian people.”

After the speech RA NA Hovik Abrahamyan gave exhaustive answers to the questions of the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament or more than an hour. The questions related to the settlement of the NK conflict, the possibilities of the Armenian-Turkish relations, Armenia-EU cooperation, etc.