Women Diplomats in the Parliament

On May 29 Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan met with the women diplomats accredited in the Republic of Armenia and the members of Diplomats’ Spouses Association, whose Chairperson is Natalia Nalbandian.

RA NA Vice President Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan welcomed the guest and conveyed them the greetings and warm wishes of the President of the National Assembly. At the women’s request Mrs. Petrosyan presented the activities of the National Assembly, its authorities, the NA structure, its role in the life of the republic, relations of different branches of the power and the mechanisms of checks and balances. Touching upon the women’s representation in the legislative body, Mrs. Petrosyan noted that their number has been definitely increased compared with the previous parliaments, and the relations with men deputies are based on mutual respect. She agreed with the observation of the Chairperson of the Diplomats’ Spouses Association Mrs. Natalia Nalbandian that the women’s presence in the parliament promotes the formation of more tolerable atmosphere and discussion in more effective way.

RA NA Vice President Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan also presented the steps directed to the rise of the role of the National Assembly and the effectiveness of its work, the bill defining additional opportunities for opposition factions and control functions of the National Assembly.

Mrs Petrosyan said that besides the legislative and political activities other cultural events are also held, exhibitions and various events for children are organized. She invited the guests on behalf of the President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan to attend the celebration dedicated to the International Children’s Day in the yard of the National Assembly on June 1. This event continues the formed new tradition.

At the end of the meeting Head of the Information Department of NA Staff Mrs. M. Asatryan presented the guests the history of the construction of the building of the National Assembly, the symbols of the Republic of Armenia and the session hall of the National Assembly.

Meeting in the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
On May 29 RA NA Chairman of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Mr. Artak Davtyan met with the Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Mrs. Andrea Wiktorin and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Melanie Moltmann at their request.Wel...