Meetings of the Delegation Led by the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary Màtyàs Eörsi

On May 22 head of Armenia-Hungary Parliamentary Friendship Group Mr. Gagik Melikyan and the members of the group met with the delegation led by the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary Mr. Màtyàs Eörsi. The delegation was on a two-day official visit.

Welcoming the guests’ visit to the Armenian Parliament the head of Armenia-Hungary Parliamentary Friendship Group Mr. Gagik Melikyan highlighted the development and closeness of the Armenian-Hungarian inter-parliamentary relations. Mr. Gagik Melikyan said that the Armenian authorities carry out effective work in the process of European integration, and the demands of PACE 1609, 1620 and 1643 resolutions are being implemented. PACE has registered the effective steps undertaken by the Armenian authorities: the establishment of the Ad-hoc Committee on the Events Occurred on 1-2 March and fact-finding group, in which the representatives of opposition also participate. According to the demands of PACE 1643 Resolution, amendments were made in Articles 225 and 300 of RA Criminal Code. Touching upon the steps taken by the Armenian authorities on the foreign policy plane he said that everything is done in strengthening stability and forming an atmosphere of trust in the region.

The Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary Mr. Màtyàs Eörsi said that the aim of the visit was the implementation of the joint programmes and the establishment of cooperation between the parliaments within the framework of EU Eastern Partnership programme. He highlighted the use of the starting principles of EU-Eastern Partnership in establishing relations: human rights, democracy and rule of law. Mr. Màtyàs Eörsi touched upon the problem of facilitating the visa regime, highlighting in this issue the role of the government and parliament.

Other issues were also discussed at the meeting.

On the same day Mr. Avet Adonts, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration received the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary Mr. Màtyàs Eörsi, the Deputy Chairmen of the same committee Mr. Làslò Kocsi and Mr. Màtyàs Firtl.

Welcoming the guests Mr. Adonts highlighted the development of bilateral relations and the activation of inter-parliamentary cooperation. Mr. Adonts considered necessary the further development of Armenia-EU relations, noting that the European integration continues to remain the priority of Armenia’s foreign policy. He underlined that the start of the EU-Eastern Partnership opens new perspectives of regional cooperation and development, to which Azerbaijan tries to impede. In his conviction, the programme creates new opportunities in all directions and will promote the formation of the atmosphere of trust in the region, strengthening of stability and peace. In this context Mr. Adonts highlighted the cooperation at the level of parliaments, noting that it was designed to create EU-Eastern Neighbours Parliamentary Assembly by the initiative of the European Parliament.

Mr. Eörsi said that the aim of the visit to the region was to discuss the priorities of the participation of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan to the EU-Eastern Partnership. With respect to the development of cooperation he also highlighted the EU-Eastern Partnership programme, noting in the settlement of conflicts the importance of immediate contacts between the nations, as well as the necessity of activation of bilateral relations in different directions.

During the meeting the sides discussed issues regarding the cooperation in international structures, the settlement of Karabakh problem and Armenian-Turkish relations.

After parliamentary meetings the members of the delegation of the National Assembly of Hungary visited Tsitsernakaberd memorial and the museum, laid a wreath to the monument to the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

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