Ambassador of France in the National Assembly

On December 22 RA NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan received the Ambassador of the Republic of France to Armenia Mr Serge Smessow.

Highlighting the development of cooperation with the parliament of France RA NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan noted that he invited to Armenia on an official visit the President of the Senate of France Mr Gerard Larcher.

The NA President is confident that as a result of his visit to Armenia and meetings in Armenia, the relations between the parliaments of the two countries will be more strengthened and the cooperation will deepen, which will in its turn promote the development of the relations in other spheres.

The Ambassador of the Republic of France to Armenia Mr Serge Smessow highlighted the development of the inter-parliamentary relations and expressed willingness to support practically the organization of Mr Larcher’s visit. According to the Ambassador’s assessment, the French-Armenian inter-parliamentary relations dynamically develop, the evidence of which was the visit of the Chairman of the France-Armenia Friendship Group with the Parliament of Armenia of the National Assembly of France Mr Francois Rochebloine and the Deputy Chairman Mr Rene Rouquet at the beginning of December. In the National Assembly and the Senate of France there are deputies, who warmly treat Armenia and are advocates in deepening the cooperation with Armenia. During the meeting the sides touched upon also problems of internal and regional mutual importance.

Congratulatory Message of RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan to Hovhannes Chekidjian
RA NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrahamyan sent congratulatory message to Hovhannes Chekidjian on the occasion of his 80th birthday.“Honourable Maestro!I warmly congratulate you on the occasion of your 80th birthday. Invaluable is your contribution in the cultural life of the Republic of Armenia. Through dec...

Is it Possible the Application Terms of the Law on Those, Avoiding the Military Service, will be Prolonged?
On December 22, on the initiative of the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs, parliamentary hearings were held on the theme of Application and Efficiency of the RA Law on Citizens, who haven’t Passed Obligatory Military Service by the Breach of the Defined Order. Th...

Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly on December 23, 2008
Speaker of the RA National Assembly Mr Hovik Abrahamyan signed a decision, according to which, based on the Article 70 of RA Constitution, an extraordinary session of the National Assembly shall be convened at 12:00 on December, 2008 at the initiative of the Government. The extraordinary session sha...