Special Representative of the Foreign Minister of Greece in the National Assembly

On September 11 the Speaker of the National Assembly Mr Tigran Torosyan received the delegation headed by the Special Representative of the Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Ambassador Mr Nikolaos Kalanzianos. The permanent representative of Armenia in OSCE Mr Ashot Hovakimyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Greece Mr Vahram Kazhoyan, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to Armenia Mr Ioannis Korinthios.

Welcoming the guests the NA Speaker noted that the visit coincided with the interesting and complicated period for the region – the August events created a heavy situation. Mr Torosyan expressed confidence that undertaking the presidency in OSCE Greece can support the settlement of the regional problems and Armenia is ready to take part in that important process.

The Special Representative of the Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Ambassador Mr Nikolaos Kalanzianos noted that in 2009 after undertaking the presidency in OSCE the events taking place in Georgia will be at the center of attention of the organization, and cooperating with the European Union and OSCE member- countries they do everything possible to overcome the crisis, which is very important for the whole region. Mr Kalanzianos asked the NA Speaker to present their views on the solution of the Karabakh issue and Armenian-Turkish relations in the aspect of specifying steps being undertaken during the future presidency.

Touching upon the Nagorno Karabakh problem the NA Speaker presented the procedure of the conflict and the bases of the settlement within the framework of international right. In the issue of the settlement of the NKR conflict the NA Speaker considers a misunderstanding the reality that the conflict is observed between Armenia and Azerbaijan, evading the NKR, whereas the OSCE recognized the NK as a conflicting side, and the ceasefire document was signed between three sides. The only realistic solution is the recognition of the right of the NKR people’s self-determination. In this aspect the NA Speaker considered important the fact that during the recent years the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs laid down two principles at the basis of the documents under elaboration - the right of self-determination and the regional immunity, which in reality absolutely do not contradict each other: the Helsinki Final Act distinctly defines that the principle of the borders’ immunity functions between the recognized states, and the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan should be settled only with that Act.

Can Turkey be useful in the settlement of NK conflict, taking into account the relations with Azerbaijan? In response, the NA Speaker noted that up to now Turkey could not, if the approaches would not change. One of the preconditions of establishing relations with Armenia is the NK issue. According to NA Speaker, the most important support will be if Turkey drops that precondition. Moreover, for the establishment of relations during 17 years Armenia has not proposed any precondition. Referring to his contacts in PACE the NA Speaker noted that they had complexes definitely towards Armenia and Armenians in their attitude, and obviously that reason is the genocide, the recognition of which, first of all, is necessary for Turkey and Turkish people for getting rid of that complex. Highlighting the first visit of the Turkish President to Armenia at the RA President’s invitation, the NA Speaker considered necessary undertaking practical steps, in particular, the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border, which is also the problem of the international structures, as the fact of closed borders of the member countries is not placed within the framework of the principles of any international structure. Turkey had an initiative of forming a new structure in the region, which was an important step stemming from the situation, but it was very important what values and principles will be laid down in the basis. The last war makes the countries of the region think about the necessity of serious steps to be taken directed to peace, security and cooperation, in this aspect the NA Speaker expressed hope that the presidency of Greece in OSCE will promote the solution of that problem.

The Special Representative of the Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Ambassador Mr Nikolaos Kalanzianos thanked the NA Speaker for interesting analysis and information and said that the frozen conflicts display tendencies of getting hotter, which can become a disaster in the Eurasian territory, and they will take steps during their presidency for solving the conflicts or at least keeping in frozen situation. As he assessed, OSCE is a gathering place for all member countries and gives opportunity to have dialogue to the countries, which have not official relations with each other.

At the end of the meeting the NA Speaker Mr Tigran Torosyan wished success Greece during the OSCE presidency, being sure that the period will be significant for overcoming the conflicts of the region and for establishing more desirable relations between the countries.

Issues Concerning the Cooperation Discussed
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