Meetings of the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia in Strasbourg

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr Tigran Torosyan, being in Strasbourg within the framework of the European Conference of Presidents of Parliaments, on May 22 met with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Mr Terry Davis.

Touching upon the events, which took place in Armenia at the beginning of March, the NA President noted that they had a shocking influence on all of us. From 1988 there have been numerous assemblies in Armenia, but none of them had such outcome. The people’s discontent from social situation could not be a reason for tragic events because during the recent years it had been gradually improved, and from January the pensions had been raised by 60%, the salaries had been considerably increased.

The approach that the police applied force towards the peaceful demonstrators was primitive. The shootings testify that there were not only peaceful demonstrators, but also people armed with metallic rods and “Molotov cocktails,” grenades were used, shops were burgled and destroyed up to a kilometer away from where the demonstrators were assembled. The NA President highlighted the creation of the Ad-hoc Committee of the National Assembly at the beginning of June, according to the PACE 1609 resolution, and the studies to which should give answers to other questions. The NA President said that in the National Assembly a working group had already been set up in order to improve the electoral process, as well as work was underway for the improvement of the law On Radio and Television in order to define the procedure of the election of the committee members of the national committee. It was also noted that the draft law On Making Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations, which enjoyed the approval of the Venice Commission, had been adopted in the first reading. And at the four-day sittings in June the draft law would be adopted in the second reading, being fully complied it with European standards. Touching upon the PACE 1601 resolution, the NA President noted that the authorities of the opposition had already been provided with the content of 21 clauses from 27 abovementioned. The 3-4 clauses would be created by the amendment of the NA Rules of Procedure. Regarding the detained persons the NA President noted that the following approach had been adopted: everybody should be punished unreservedly, and nobody should be persecuted for the expression of his/her political views or position.

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Mr Terry Davis thanked for the support and full information given to Ms Boer-Buquicchio during her visit to Armenia. The CE Secretary General agreed that those who committed grievous crime should be certainly punished, and nobody should be persecuted for his/her political views. Mr Davis welcomed the creation of the committee for the study of the March events and at the same time noted that the committee could not become the only responsible body regarding the disclosure of the reasons of what happened. In particular, the investigation of the case by the law enforcement bodies is very important, as well as disclosing the reasons of the death of every victim and punishing those guilty. Mr Davis also welcomed the other steps undertaken for the fulfillment of the 1609 resolution.

Mr Tigran Torosyan also met with the President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Mr Marios Garoyian. The NA President congratulated him on the occasion of his election to high post and expressed confidence that the friendly and effective relations of the two countries and parliaments had very good prospects of further development. The NA President noted that besides the issues of bilateral interest the Cyprus’ membership of the European Union had opened new prospects for expanding cooperation. Moreover, that the European integration is the priority of the foreign policy. In that aspect, the study of the Cypriot experience was highlighted. Within the framework of deepening the inter-parliamentary relations Mr Torosyan invited his colleague from Cyprus to Armenia on an official visit.

The President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Mr Marios Garoyian expressed confidence that the constructive dialogue between two countries would deepen. In his assessment, the two countries have common concerns and interests. Mentioning about his Armenian roots Mr Garoyian noted that they would assist to the development of the relations.

At the meeting the sides also touched upon the cooperation in international structures. The issue of the possibility of the inter-party cooperation was also discussed. Accepting the invitation of the NA President to visit Armenia Mr Garoyian noted that they would gladly expect the President of the parliament of the friendly country.

During the meeting other issues of mutual interest were also discussed.