Draft Statement on the Settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh Problem Discussed in Parliament

On April 10 the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings.

The MPs adopted by voting the draft laws on Making Addendum to the RA Law On RA Honoured Titles, On Making Addendum and Amendment to the RA law on Funds, On Making Addendum and Amendment to the RA Code On Making Addendum and Amendment to the RA Law on Administrative Infringements, On Amending the RA law on State Registration of the Rights towards the Property, On Making Amendment and Addendum to the RA law On State Regulation of Providing Technical Security, On Amending the RA Law On Military Police, On Amending the RA Law On Internal Audit, On Amending the RA Law on Treasury System. They ratified the Convention On the International Trade of the World Species of the Wild Fauna and Flora Being at the Vanishing Point, which was signed on March 3, 1973 in Washington and supplemented on June 22, 1979 in Bonn and the agreement 2363-ARM (SF) (Programme of Water Supply and Water Removal Sector) between the Development Bank of the Republic of Armenia and Asia signed on December 18, 2007.

The Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan submitted to the MPs the application of the resignation of the Chairman of the RA Central Bank Mr. Tigran Sargsyan, presented on April 8.

Ending the debates of the agreement On Accepting Back the Persons Being Without Permission between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, which was signed on November 13, 2007 in Yerevan, the parliament turned to the debate of the draft law on the Statement of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on the Settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh Problem, which was put into circulation according to the Article 104/1 of the law NA Rules of Procedure. The Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted that the draft law will be debated according to the Article 55 of the NA Rules of Procedure.

Presenting the draft law On the Statement of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on the Settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh Problem, the NA Speaker Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted: “The draft law of the statement is presented at your attention. I am sure that many of you have read it. A group of our colleagues made different recommendations, I think that during this debate we’ll have opportunity to touch upon them. Why did the necessity of adopting such statement rise? There are a few circumstances, which I would like to refer to and which are reflected in this statement. It refers to the first part of the statement, where the prerequisites or circumstances, which having as a basis we shall make a statement, also the issues, that in regard to their solution we’ll have things to do. Unfortunately, recently the developments of the process of the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem don’t inspire optimism. There are several clear reasons: the first, more and more frequently we hear bellicose statements by the authorities of Azerbaijan, more and more deepens the anti-Armenian campaigning of Azerbaijan, hatred towards the Armenians, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh. Unfortunately, the instances, stemming from the circumstances, in particular, stemming from the UN Charter, spirit and letter of numerous conventions and agreements, which joined Azerbaijan, don’t have adequate response. The most we can hear is the general statements without address towards calls of war, bellicose statements or hatred campaigning, without mentioning who, what and when has done that. This is on one hand, on the other hand – the increase of the state incomes in Azerbaijan at the expense of the oil financial flows created an illusion that Azerbaijan can solve the Nagorno Karabakh problem through war. I think that’s a thing for any reasonable man that at least may seem strange, if we take into account the circumstance that at the beginning of the 90s, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Azerbaijan had financial, human and especially ammunition huge resources because the main arms stores of the USSR, which were designed in the southern front for pursuing continuous war, were in the territory of Azerbaijan. The life showed that, of course, those things are serious factors but it’s not this fact that becomes decisive in case of war. It’s easy to notice that Azerbaijan began also to blackmail in different international organizations towards the Minsk Group Co-chairmen. Unfortunately, we shall note that it has its influence. In their recent statements the Co-chairmen, seems to be forgotten that two principles are put in the basis of that document, which is being prepared, and they talk all the time about the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We can understand them probably at least we may suppose what will be the answer when the issue will be presented to them face to face. They will say that, of course, the principle of the right to self-determination is in the basis if we speak about the principle of territorial integrity, it does not mean that we negate the other principle. It is obvious that the mandate of the Minsk Group Co-chairmen requires fair and unbiased position. They may also say that the statements or interviews are not official views. This is also unacceptable because the statements and interviews, or such other materials create public opinion. We had an occasion to say in an interview to one of the Azerbaijani media, and I would like to repeat that such statements create false picture in Azerbaijan, get the population of Azerbaijan in misunderstanding and promote the deepening of anti-Armenian and bellicose statements. There is a document, which stipulates the mandate of the Co-chairmen, and anybody has no goal to get out of this situation. If there are mechanisms, which the political figures apply underlining more some provisions or approaches, leaving some in the shadow, then in case of Co-chairmen, I am more than sure that it is impermissible. There is another circumstance, unfortunately, the wide scale information attack, which started Azerbaijan, has no adequate display from the Armenian side. Of course, the negotiations are the most important thing, the negotiations are secret, this is, of course, very important, but the community, including also the international community, should be presented full and truthful information about the origin and procedure of the conflict. Unfortunately, it has been ignored for a continuous period, and I think that the tendencies can become dangerous if we don’t take abrupt steps in changing the situation. Sometimes it seems to us that the circumstance that the struggle of the people of Nagorno Karabakh, of our whole people for the recognition of the right of self-determination of Nagorno Karabakh is fair and vulnerable. It is a basis that any man, including a foreigner, defends our claims. This is a primitive approach and deceit. We should work with everybody. Of course, it’s easy to criticize different reporters, different organizations from the newspapers, TV screens, sometimes, unfortunately, swearing appear a patriot, but from this the Nagorno Karabakh problem does not win at all. Unfortunately, there is  almost no coordinated work among the scientific, political circles. Everything remains for the initiative of certain individuals, for the activity of certain individuals. This is, I think, absolutely, not acceptable. I would like to underline once again, though the Nagorno Karabakh is vulnerable from the view of the international law, but as a tradition, we didn’t pay attention and carry on don’t paying attention. Meanwhile, indeed the approaches of the Nagorno Karabakh are absolutely invulnerable, as well as the steps. Serious analyses are necessary, which shall be at the hands of our representatives in different instances, which shall also be at the hands of our representatives pursuing negotiations, which shall provide solid basis and position for our representatives, are very few. Therefore, here there is a necessity of serious work. It is offered for the solution of three issues to activate the first one - the efforts and possibilities of the implementation of the events addressed to the international community on NK problem. Indeed, there is place and necessity for wide-scale works, and it’s very important that the works are coordinated and purposeful. In this aspect, in order not to have only that we propose the government and the President of the Republic to solve those issues, in the nearest future, we’ll have to take concrete steps. I think that it will be right to take the first step, initiative from the parliament. It may seem to some people that it has no direct connection with the parliament works, but I think it has direct connection. Moreover, our academic institutes have no appropriate elaborations, no appropriate programmes; consequently, we shall initiate in order to create the group of specialists who shall work in this direction, who will create the basis of carrying out these works. The next, in regard to the settlement of the NK issue, refers to the initiating character of our policy. Yes, I am sure that we must not only wait for the Azerbaijan’s steps, give some answers stemming from it, instead we shall be initiators ourselves in different directions. I am confident that I can bring dozens of bases for proving it that the right of self-determination of the Nagorno Karabakh is invulnerable within the frameworks of international law. Usually for years in Armenia there was evasive stance from the studies, discussions within the framework of the international law, because a surprising opinion was formed that here we have problems and difficulties. It’s absolutely not like that. I am sure that it’s the opposite. The Azerbaijanis’ statement is simply absurd that the territorial integrity has superiority towards the right to the nations’ self-determination, absolutely not. On the contrary, in the UN Declaration on the Principles of the International Law the basic principles, where the territorial integrity has absolutely no place, are distinctly defined. It’s just the opposite: there is a thorough description how the right to self-determination shall be applied. I’ll make a quotation from that Declaration: “Every State has the duty to promote through joint and separate action universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Charter. 1. The establishment of a sovereign and independent State, 2. the free association or integration with an independent State 3. or the emergence into any other political status freely determined by a people constitute modes of implementing the right of self-determination by that people.” It’s obvious that the statements that, for example, the assembly shall be conducted in the whole territory of Azerbaijan, etc. are absurd. The international law determines that the decision will be made by the people, who are self-determined. We can bring numerous facts and substantiations, unfortunately, the time is short, and there is no possibility to do that. Though, I think, in the nearest future, we’ll be engaged with those problems quite actively and we’ll have occasions for wide discussions, and everything is already ready, and in future the elaborating materials will be submitted to everybody.

The next issue refers to the provision of full security of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and the people. Here also within the frameworks of international law we have bases for formulating the legal bases of provision of that security by the Republic of Armenia. I would like to bring only an example. The Declaration says the following: “Every State has the duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples referred to above in the elaboration of the present principle of their right to self-determination and freedom and independence. In their actions against, and resistance to, such forcible action in pursuit of the exercise of their right to self-determination, such peoples are entitled to seek and to receive support in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter.” This I think is a very important basis within the frameworks of international law together with a number of other norms, which will enable us to create certainly legal bases in the aspect of the provision of security and defense of the NKR and the people by the Republic of Armenia. I would like also to say that this proposal – to create legal bases – must refer not only the security and defense of NKR, but it will also be useful if we also include here other spheres of cooperation, because sometimes a question arises: how must be settles the relations between the state and the still not recognized state within the framework of the same international law. There are such examples in the world, and in the nearest future serious studies will be made, and based on them we must work out the documents, within the frameworks of which it will be possible to cooperate more active and effective with the NKR and ensure the security of the NKR and its people.

The next circumstance, I think is that it’s worth here to fix two more approaches, connected with which there were different proposals by our colleagues with different wordings. I think it’s worth to fix that efforts will be made to have involved the internationally NKR as internationally recognized party in the negotiations. The next issue is connected with the recognition of NKR. Of course, the Republic of Armenia can recognize the NKR any time but I think it will be more effective that we concentrate our efforts especially on the international recognition. I believe that the invulnerable bases of the recognition of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, the bases of the right to self-determination and execution of that right, and the developments in the world in the recent several dozens of years enable us to expect that the international recognition is absolutely possible. Of course, here the studies of the problem in the political-scientific, legal, historical directions are not sufficient, though all this, certainly, must be done. It is very well understandable that the interests of different countries, different organizations have great influence, and the influence of all this cannot be underestimated. The work in this direction is very important, and the strengthening of that work in the mentioned directions is, in my opinion, still not complete.

Ending my speech, I’ll say that this statement is not an expression of worry at all, not at all; it’s just an appeal for simply sober, everyday work.”

Answering the interested questions of the registered 16 MPs, the NA Speaker Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted that assessing the work done by the OACE Minsk Group in the issue of solving the NK problem, Armenia must be ready, particularly, within the UN framework to discuss the issue and adopt a fair resolution As the author of the draft law assessed, it’s not important what states voted for the decision adopted by the UN General Assembly in the NK problem, the results are of concern. According to the Parliament Speaker, Armenia must adopt a legal document within the frameworks of the international law in the issue of the NK security, which will give legal bases for adequately responding Azerbaijan. To Mr. Torosyan’s conviction, by recognizing the NK independence it is not possible to rule out Azerbaijan’s military aggression. In the issue of the security and defense of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, serious factor will be the recognition of the of the NKR independence by the international community. As Mr. Torosyan assessed, in the statement the stipulation of the provision envisaging signing of the treaty with Azerbaijan on avoiding the use of force will not change anything as it is Azerbaijan’s obligation within the framework of international law but Azerbaijan breaches numerous international agreements, beginning from the UN Charter. It was noted that the parliament did not neglect the issue of Nagorno Karabakh: a joint statement of political forces was made, parliamentary hearings were organized, and a booklet summing up the materials was published, effective recommendations were made, # 1416 resolution was adopted by the efforts of the deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia in PACE. In the author’s opinion, to note in the statement who is the one who unleashes war – Armenia or Azerbaijan, cannot give anything, it’s necessary to prove with irrefutable facts. Touching upon the NK problem in the statement observing it with the framework of human rights or territorial integrity, Mr. Torosyan underlined that violation of the right to self-determination itself is a mass violation of human rights. Referring to the proposal of addressing to the people of Azerbaijan with an appeal, the NA Speaker noted that the address will hardly change anything as the Azerbaijani authorities have led their people into delude. According to the Parliament Speaker, a wide scale and purposeful work is necessary, the process must not be limited only to negotiations.

The author of the draft also informed the MPs that the draft statement was discussed with the President of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, the second President of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Robert Kocharyan and the NKR authorities. While elaborating the statement the historical, legal and cultural problems have been taken into account. The NA Speaker ensured that the parliament will work with the government over this issue. It was mentioned that proposals were received from the NKR, in the nearest future the inter-parliamentary cooperation committee of the National Assembly with the NKR parliament will leave for Karabakh, where also discussions will be organized regarding this issue. Mr. Torosyan said that in future representatives of NGOs, funds, research centers, extra-parliamentary political forces will try to be involved in the discussion of the issue. It is envisaged to set up a specialized group on Artsakh. The joint and effective work of the government, parliament and different organizations in the NK problem was highlighted.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, Speaker of the National Assembly thanked his colleagues for the important questions raised by them. He expressed hope that the proposals will be useful for having a perfect document in practice, which will provide firm positions on NK problem in different international instances.
Afterwards the deputies of the National Assembly delivered speeches on the draft statement.

The discussions of the draft law On the Statement of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on the Settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh Problem will continue.

The parliament ended the work of the four-day sittings.

Vice President of the Senate of Kazakhstan in the National Assembly
On April 10 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received Mr. Mukhambet Kopeev, Vice President of the Senate of Kazakhstan who visited Armenia for participating in the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of the Republic of Armenia. Mr. E...