Issues of Deepening Cooperation Discussed

On July 30 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, received Mr. Matthew Bryza, U.S. Deputy Assistant of State, Co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group.

As a coordinator on the South Caucasus, Mr. Bryza noted that, being involved in the works of the OSCE Minsk Group, recently he hadn’t been frequently able to be engaged with his immediate obligations, and the aim of this visit was to touch upon all the spheres of cooperation. He congratulated the NA President for holding free, fair parliamentary elections.

At his request Mr. Tigran Torosyan, NA President informed him about the political situation formed in Armenia after the elections. Highlighting the political importance of the level of holding the parliamentary elections in the life of the country, the NA President expressed a hope that the upcoming elections will mark one more step in the direction of deepening democracy. It was noted that after the adoption of the constitutional amendments essential changes took place in Armenia in the context of the establishment of democracy, protection of human rights and supremacy of law. The NA President expressed regret that the opposition could not assess in time the significance of that very important process, boycotting the debates. And in future it was not seriously studied what political situation would be created after the parliamentary elections as a result of constitutional amendments. It was noted that the parliament and the government obtained an important role in the country’s life, and now, having only the support of the parliamentarian majority, the president can have an influential role in the country. With the results of the May parliamentary elections the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) has the half of the total votes and forming a coalition, has a majority in parliament, which is very obliging and gives possibility to put new qualitative questions for the progress of the country. Mr. Torosyan noted that the opposition’s weakness is also a task for the power, because in the multi-party system the weakness of the one side cannot reflect on the other side. In this context, the establishment and operation of the multi-party system was highlighted – help the work of the parliamentary parties by the qualitative improvement of the NA staff (it was noted that Mr. Rudolf Perina, Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the USA to Armenia had already presented the program of cooperation with the parliament, which will be discussed in September), and do works in general, for the establishment of the multi-party system. Talking about the presidential elections, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, NA President, noted that in case of good work, the RPA would not have great difficulties for the victory of its candidate in those elections. It was noted that successfully completing the first phase of the reforms, the second phase had started in Armenia, during which the main attention would be drawn to the solution of the social problems. Armenia is now in its most crucial period of development, when the democratic developments, European integration processes have become irreversible, and the future successes will get the country to a new qualitative level.

Mr. Torosyan also touched upon the Nagorno Karabakh issue, noting that he was inclined optimistically for the possibility of the solution of the issue, but not in the aspect of quick solution. It was noted that in connection with Kosovo an interesting situation has been created: the international community seems to be divided into two parts: one part finds that Kosovo is an exceptional case, and it must get independence, another part finds that all conflicts can get such solution. As the NA President assessed, in both cases, the views are not substantiated, if it's substantiated why Kosovo is unique, or why other conflicts must be solved with the same model, the solutions will be facilitated within those frameworks.

Mr. Matthew Bryza agreed that fundamental principles should be in case of the solution of any conflict. As he assessed, it’s not logical that the sides involved in other conflicts will get independence with the Kosovo example. In case of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict he highlighted the three principles of the Helsinki Final Act – find consensus with territorial integrity, people’s self-determination and not using armed forces.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, NA President, noted that the contradiction of those principles is imaginary, and the last two-year experience of the Minsk Group Co-Chairmen works testified that a right resolution was found by not contradicting those principles with each other, but comparing them. Within those frameworks the real way of solving the conflict can be found not only for the solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, but also for any conflict. As Mr. Bryza assessed, Minsk Group Co-Chairmen are close to the consensus version, where the Helsinki three principles are reflected.

During the meeting the sides also talked about the issue of the broadcast of the Azatutyun/Liberty radio station. Mr. Bryza noted that according to the information provided to him many questions were clarified, and though the Azatutyun radio station prefers the Public radio company, but the most important thing is to have an opportunity of broadcasting, if there are no time limitations and no commercial problems. Mr. Tigran Torosyan expressed a hope that the negotiations will successfully be completed, and the found technical solution won’t give any reason for political responses.

During the meeting other issues were also discussed.