National Assembly of the Fourth Convocation Begins its Work

On June 7 the first session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia of the fourth convocation began. According to the second paragraph of the 34th Article of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on the Rules of Procedures, before the election of the President of the National Assembly the session was conducted by the eldest deputy, Mr. Rafik Petrosyan. Upon the announcement of the presiding deputy, under the sounds of the hymn of the Republic of Armenia the opening of the first session of the National Assembly of the fourth convocation of the Republic of Armenia was held.According to the third paragraph of the 34th Article of the RA Law on the Rules of Procedures, on the occasion of the opening ceremony, the greeting words were made by Mr. R. Kocharyan, the RA President and His Holiness Garegin II.

Mr. R. Kocharyan, the RA President noted:

“Your Holiness,

Dear deputies,

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to congratulate the elected deputies on the occasion of the election and congratulate all of us with the first session of the National Assembly of the fourth convocation.

Undoubtedly, it is a great event and the parliamentary elections were a great step towards the democracy. And obviously, this is a great contribution to ensuring stability in the region, since the issue of the Parliament’s legitimacy is out of question. And this, I think, is one of the most important guarantees for stable and fruitful activity. I highly assess the fact that a convincing parliamentary majority has been formed. I think an interesting format has been found, and I’m confident that this format will enable to effectively work for many years. Mechanisms of political cooperation are forming in the country. Several years ago there were no any coalition agreements or formation of relations between the political forces in written form. This phenomenon shapes democratic traditions, and you, who are present here, are the participants of this important process. Now, it is necessary to rapidly form the leadership of the parliament, the government and approve its new activity as soon as possible. All of us must remember that after the constitutional amendments, for these processes the responsibility greatly lays on you, those who are elected by the people. In the past the Constitution assigned greater role to the president in this process. We also have to remember that the activity of the authorities, particularly that of the executive power cannot be interrupted. There are many things to do in the country, which expect your and Government’s decisions. The expectations from the new parliament are extremely great; the rapid growth of the country of recent years presents bigger demands both to parliament and new government as well: it obliges to work better. And in a few years all of us have to understand that we will be accountable and everyone will be trying to compare the results of the past four years and the coming five years. Armenia is one of the fastest developing countries, and, of course, everybody’s desire should be to retain that rhythm, and to reinforce the reputation, which the country has obtained. It is also understandable that to ensure the rhythm will be very difficult, since the foundation is increasing more. But I do not think that is impossible. The pledge of the success is in the continuation of the reforms. Today, we call expected reforms as reforms of the second generation, which require hard work and more professionalism for effective work. Especially, we shall have reforms in a number of very sensitive spheres: educational, pension system in the social sphere, science and culture. We have a lot of things to do in these spheres to carry out the reforms. Of course, the reforms in tax administration are still on the agenda. And one of the most important issues is the formation of fair competition field in Armenia.

We have a lot of things to do. I wish success to the new parliament. I am sure that there is enough will, enough level of professionalism and hard work to succeed. I wish success and fruitful work to all of us."

His Holiness, Catholicos of All Armenians, Garegin II said:

“Honorable President,

Honorable deputies and attendees,

We welcome and congratulate you on the occasion of the first session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia of the fourth convocation.

We bring our patriarchal blessing and pray to God from the bottom of our heart: ‘Lord Almighty, add in us faith, hope and love and all virtuous works.’

This is the pray sounded continuously through centuries on the lips of our fathers, which gave power to our people for creating and living, and with which our victories and achievements gave birth in our history. Our independent statehood has been restored and established with faith, hope, love and virtuous works, and all the achievements, which are stable, have been called into life.

After the re-establishment of the independent statehood the National Assembly greatly contributed to the building of the state, worked out laws for the fulfillment of the decisive reforms in our country and for the improvement of spiritual, economic and social life and for the progress of education, science and culture. You, honorable deputies, are called to serve our Motherland and people with legislative high power in such time, when our people sees very closely the vision of the powerful and well-to-do Motherland, secure and happy life. Much more efforts and much more devotion should be demanded on that way. You should carry on your mission of the National Assembly with effectiveness.

So, we’ll ask that our Lord, Jesus Christ, add in us the true faith, the lively hope and love to make wonders for creating good and doing good things and building the hopeful new day of our history.

We wish you, dear deputies, good service and effective activity in order to make people and you happy with abundant fruits of your efforts.

Let the spirit of our Lord’s truth always lead us with our daily prayers and mediation of our holy ancestors. I wish you success and good continuation to the works of the National Assembly.

Our Jesus Christ, believers’ keeper and hope, keep, retain and bless the Republic of Armenia, Armenian people, who are spread all over the world, also the parliament of the Republic of Armenia and all the deputies with your holy and honorable cross for peace, save from visible and invisible enemies. Grant us satisfaction to praise You, our Father and Holy Spirit now, always and forever. Amen.”

After welcoming speeches the deputies swore on for the fulfillment of the national goals and strengthening and prospering of the Motherland to fulfill the obligations facing the people, preserve the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, contribute to the preservation of sovereignty and interests of the Republic of Armenia, do everything for the preservation of the civil solidarity, national and all-human values.

Mr. Rafik Petrosyan presented the deputies, reading everybody’s name-surname, the number of the precinct or the name of the party. The deputies’ registration was done, after which the presiding speaker announced the agenda of the first session:

  1. Election of the Counting Commission
  2. Election of the President of the National Assembly
  3. Elections of the vice-presidents of the National Assembly
  4. Elections of the chairpersons of the standing committees
  5. Issue of approving the programme of the Government

Mr. Petrosyan informed that the President of the National Assembly would announce the day of the session of the debate of the last issue of the agenda.

The National Assembly decided to elect a counting commission with 7 members: 2 deputies from RPA faction and one deputy from other factions and independent deputies. The RPA faction proposed Mr. Samvel Nikoyan’s and Mr. Hakob Hakobyan’s candidacies, the PAP faction proposed Mr. Vahag Maksudyan’s candidacy, the ARF faction - Mr. Aramayis Grogoryan’s candidacy, the independent deputies – Mr. Levon Khachatryan’s candidacy. We’ll remind that Orinats Yerkir/Country of Law and Zharangutyun/Heritage faction did not take part in the activity of the first session, so they could not present their candidacies. The Counting Commission elected Mr. Samvel Nikoyan as chairman of the commission, and secretary - Mr. Levon Khachatryan.

Afterwards the MPs touched upon the second issue of the agenda - the election of the President of the National Assembly. The RPA faction proposed MP Tigran Torosyan’s candidacy for the post of the NA President. Mr. Tigran Torosyan said in his speech:

“Honorable Mr. President of the Republic of Armenia, Your Holiness, dear Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, dear members of Government, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, first of all I would like to congratulate all the MPs for the honor, granted from our people, being elected the deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. I would also like to congratulate all of us on the occasion that the parliamentary elections were being held in accordance with the democratic standards. I think that this is a new quality in our elections, though it was repeatedly said after the elections that we are ready to do everything in our power that the next elections will be better than these parliamentary elections.

Dear colleagues, as we worked almost with each of you, those present in the hall, in the parliaments of the first and second convocations, as well as in the parliament of the third convocation, we also communicated with each other outside of parliament, I would like to touch upon only some issues during this speech, which I consider are the issues, which should be discussed in the parliament of the fourth convocation.

I think a turning phase starts with the works of the parliament of the fourth convocation: the Republic of Armenia, which regained its independence during the past 15 years, could establish all the structures of statehood, all the foundations of statehood. It could ensure unprecedented economic growth not only for our country but also compared to all the post-soviet countries during the last 6-7 years. And in general, I think, that we can be proud of our macroeconomic indices of the last 6-7 years. I think that the parliament of the third convocation carried out its important mission. The most important were the Constitutional reforms, which open new opportunities for the development of our country. First of all, these opportunities relate to the reforms in the social and political life. Unfortunately, it is necessary to mention that because of some constraints in the Constitution the developments in the context of the reforms were bigger in the social and political life than the economic reforms. And today, it is necessary to accelerate the fulfillment of the reforms in the social and political life and give new impetus to them in order to multiply successes of our country in the economic life. In this context the complete formation of the multiparty system is very important. I am sure that the Constitutional reforms, giving new opportunities, new qualities and new authorities to the parliament, create all the necessary opportunities for it. And so, in this aspect, the mission of the parliament of the fourth convocation is very important.

The second important circumstance is the provision of the macroeconomic development, which was understandably primary in the economic reforms. And from this view the reforms of the social issues of our country fell behind for the same understandable reasons. I suppose that this new turning phase must be characterized by the qualitative progress of the reforms of the social sphere too.

And the third one relates to the development of the country. I am more than convinced that by providing continuation of the economic reforms and activating the reforms of the social-political life, we’ll also create full opportunities for the increase of the welfare of our people as the problems facing before us today will give an opportunity to present the answers of those questions.

One more circumstance: the National Assembly, received new qualities and new authorities, should have an appropriate staff. I think one of the important missions of the parliament of the fourth convocation is the provision of the necessary quality of the staff of the parliament. I don’t want to complain against the staff of the parliament but I would like to say that the parliament has to put new qualitative problems before the staff and be consecutive so that the staff will be able to solve those problems. It is an honor to work in the staff of the National Assembly, and every employee of the staff should realize it, every employee of the staff must have deep knowledge, great abilities as the staff of the parliament must be one of those centers of the country, which provides expertise work of high quality. This is the second main problem, the second mission, which I suppose must carry out the parliament.

The third is that we have problems which are underway: the question is the NKR conflict and here I am sure that the parliament has a great role, and it is necessary to activate the works in this direction providing the necessary quality in all directions. Today, the parliament has its delegations in the various international structures, and I am sure that for the good work of those delegations, especially related to the NKR issue, it is also necessary that the work of the great volume will be carried out in parliament.

Here are the main problems, which are put before the parliament of the fourth convocation. They are difficult problems, and demand from each of us, from all the factions and heads of the parliament daily intensive and active work. I would like to express a hope that all of us realizing our responsibility before our nation, realizing our mission, can carry out our problems with dignity.”

Mr. Gagik Minasyan and Mr. Myasnik Malkhasyan, NA deputies, highly assessed Mr. Tigran Torosyan’s human, civil qualities, industriousness, his being man of principle, perfectionism, the invincible will of doing the work till the end, the productive work done and the experience in the international organizations. They proposed to defend Mr. Tigran Torosyan’s candidacy by voting in his favor.

The secret ballot voting of the President of the National Assembly was held, the results of which presented Mr. Samvel Nikoyan, head of the NA Ad hoc Counting Commission. Mr. Tigran Torosyan was re-elected the President of the National Assembly by 112 for and 2 against votes.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, the President of the National Assembly, expressed gratitude to the MPs for the confidence and to the political forces - for close cooperation and assured that the political programs of the new quality, which will be debated at the National Assembly soon, will change the people’s life in quality during the upcoming 5 years and will improve our citizens’ living standards.

The deputies of the National Assembly continued to debate the third issue of the agenda - the NA Vice- Presidents’ election. The ARF faction proposed Mr. Vahan Hovhannisyan’s and the PAP faction - Mr. Ishkhan Zakaryan’s candidacy for the NA Vice-Presidents post.

Mr. Vahan Hovhannisyan, the deputy of the National Assembly, didn’t give new promises, only noted wittily that he was going to do what he had done during the past four years. And the MPs will elect him if they consider that his working activity was well done. The speaker noted with satisfaction that the new political culture has been created: the people didn’t say ‘yes’ to the political forces which were campaigning hostility, but said ‘yes’ to the political forces which were expecting results with healthy criticism. The extremity doesn’t have future in Armenia, and the clarity in the political sphere creates favorable field for the future development of the country. Everyone must favor to that progress where he will also have his/her contribution.

Mr. Ishkhan Zakaryan, the deputy of the National Assembly, highly assessing the role of the legislative body in the development of the country, especially highlighted the resolution of the elected body not to disappoint the people and the resoluteness of making true his expectations. The MP informed that he had been deputy during 1995-1999 and he had the experience of working in the legislative body, which would be useful in organizing the works of the National Assembly in case of being elected the Vice-President of the National Assembly.

Mr. Aram Safaryan, the deputy of the National Assembly, assured that Mr. Ishkhan Zakaryan’s abilities displayed in the best way in the different spheres of social, political and state services, and his working experience and human features are the foundations which will be displayed in the proposed post.

The close secret voting of the Vice-Presidents of the National Assembly were held, the results of which presented Mr. Samvel Nikoyan, head of the NA Ad hoc Counting Commission. Mr. Vahan Hovhannisyan was re-elected the Vice- President of the National Assembly by 110 for and 2 against votes. Mr. Ishkhan Zakaryan, other candidate for the post of the Vice-President of the National Assembly, was elected by 102 for and 9 against and 1abstained votes.

The MPs also discussed the fourth agenda issue: the election of the chairmen of the standing committees.The nominations for the posts of the chairmen of the 9 standing committees were also the result of the political agreement and had the following appearance:

Mr. Armen Roustamyan, nominee for the chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations,

Mrs. Hranush Hakobyan, nominee for the chairperson of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport,

Mr. Avet Adonts, nominee for the chairman of the Standing Committee on European Integration,

Mr. Davit Harutyunyan, nominee for the chairman of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs,

Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan, nominee for the chairperson of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs,

Mr. Artur Aghabekyan, nominee for the chairman of the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs,

Mr. Ara Babloyan, nominee for the chairman of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Health Care and Environmental Protection,

Mr. Vardan Ayvazyan, nominee for the chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs,

Mr. Gagik Minasyan, nominee for the chairman of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit, and Budgetary Affairs.

The nominees of the Standing Committees touched upon the activity sphere, future works, responsibilities of the committees in the speeches and certified that they should carry out their obligations in honor in case of being elected.

According to Mr. Armen Roustamyan, the best things reached by the committee in the sphere of foreign relations should be retained, should display united, should try to solve many important issues through diplomatic way and face new challenges. The strengthening and development issues of the regional security, foreign economic relations with Diaspora should be in the center of interest.

Mrs. Hranush Hakobyan talked about works to be done in the sphere of science, education, culture and sport, and her wish was to see united consistent work and expected “men to be gentlemen and women to be friendly.”

Mr. Avet Adonts presented his approaches about the necessity of harmonizing the RA laws with European legislation and more developing the ties of the European Union with the Council of Europe, expressing hope that his work experience will enable to fulfill the above mentioned goals.

According to Mr. Davit Harutyunyan, the economic growth of the country can be continued if political reforms are realized, where the role of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs should be important. He said that it’s necessary to avoid the super regulation and provide the follow up. Mr . Harutyunyan ensured that the committee should act through the principle of pluralism.

Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan presented her approaches of the solution of the core problems related to the human and citizen’s rights and freedoms, gender issues, national minorities, parties, public associations and other spheres of the competence of the committee.

Mr. Artur Aghabekyan noted that when in the post of the Defense Minister his activity was directly connected with the National Assembly, he has presented numerous draft laws. He said that he was well aware of the legislative work and the core issues of the executive sphere. In case he is elected the chairman of the committee he will justify the voters’ trust.

Mr. Ara Babloyan highlighted the issues of social affairs, health care and environment as core issues of the national security and ensured that he should be consistent for realizing all these issues in case he is elected as a chairman of the committee.

Talking about the high indices of the economic growth of the country Mr. Vardan Ayvazyan highlighted the issues of further development and expressed a hope that his six-year experience of the National Assembly will help him to solve the issues of the committee.

Mr. Gagik Minasyan considered expedient the division of the Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs and the formation of the new committee on Economic Affairs, as the activity sphere was rather inclusive. From now on the Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs will have an opportunity to work more productively especially in the direction of the solution of budget issues. He assured that the principles of his work should not be changed, being anchored on the calculation of cooperation and pluralism.

All the proposed 9 nominees were elected as chairmen of the relevant committees through the results of closed, secret voting.

The MPs also adopted by voting the NA decision on the number and formation order of the standing committees of the National Assembly of the fourth convocation of the Republic of Armenia, which according to the Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, determines that the number of each standing committee of the National Assembly is equal nearly to one ninth of the number of the total number of the deputies and proposes the committees to be formed by the following principle:

A. 7 deputies in each committee of 8 and 8 deputies in one committee from the RPA faction.

B. 3 deputies in each committee of 6 and two deputies in three committees from the PAP faction.

C. 2 deputies in each committee of 6 and a deputy in three committees from the ARF faction.

D. 1 deputy from the factions Country of Law and Zharangutiun/Heritage

E. a deputy in the committees and two deputies in a committee from the deputies not included in the factions.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly informed that after forming the staff of the government of the Republic of Armenia and presenting the activity program the deputies of the National Assembly should be additionally informed about the schedule of the next session, where the last agenda issue on approving the government’s program will be debated.

The June 7 sitting of the first session of the National Assembly of the fourth convocation ended.

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