Ambassador of Serbia in National Assembly

On November 22 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received the newly appointed Ambassador of Serbia to Armenia Mrs. Ljiljana Bacevic.

The President of the National Assembly congratulated Mrs. Bacevic on the occasion of her appointment and assured that the Ambassador will contribute to more close Armenian-Serbian relations during her mission. Noting that bilateral parliamentary relations have not reached the necessary level of development yet. Mr. Tigran Torosyan expressed satisfaction for cooperation in international structures, especially in PACE, stressing that there has always been wonderful and very productive cooperation in Strasbourg with parliamentary delegation of Serbia. The President of the National Assembly noted that  sometimes attempts are made to see the interests of Armenia and Serbia in opposite poles, taking into consideration the conflicts of Nagorno Karabakh and Kosovo, though in reality there is nothing to oppose, and both the Armenians and the Serbians defend the principle of inseparability of motherland.

The newly appointed Ambassador of Serbia to Armenia Mrs. Ljiljana Bacevic also agreed that the bilateral relations yield the cooperation in international structures. Highlighting the promotion of Armenia to Serbia in international structures, she expressed her country’s gratitude and ensured that her aim should be to promote the development of bilateral relations. Mrs. Bacevic highlighted the inter-parliamentary relations, which as she said, are freer for the discussion of different themes. She finds that the problem of Kosovo, which is a painful and complicated issue for all Serbians, is understood correctly in very few countries, usually having primitive understanding, and Armenia is one of those very few countries, where the complication of the issue is fully understood. She expressed hope that in 2007 the solution of Kosovo issue would be solved in a possible way. At her request, Mr. Tigran Torosyan touched upon the issue of the settlement of the NKR conflict, noting that the impatience of the international community is fully understandable in the context of the expectations to settle the conflict urgently, nevertheless the careful attitude brings about the reality that Azerbaijan has no willingness of seeing the conflict solved. The President of the National Assembly highlighted the activity of the Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group, that recently they were able to find real grounds for the solution, comparing the principles of nations’ self determination and territorial integrity, which gives basis for optimism.

Other issues were also touched upon during the meeting.

Ambassador of Canada at the National Assembly
On November 22 the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received the newly appointed Ambassador of Canada to Armenia Mr. Ralph Lysyshyn. The NA President expressed confidence that with the appointment of Mr. Lysyshin the Armenian-Canadian relations will enter a new stage, be...