Addenda being proposed to RA Tax Code debated
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The author of the addenda to the RA Tax Code is the Government. The purpose of the initiative is to decrease the workflow and save the material and human resources being spent on it.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee (SRC) Artur Manukyan, while submitting numerous documents being given from the tax authority of being downloaded by the taxpayer’s personal office to the different state or local self-government bodies, it is required that will be sealed or signed by the tax authority. As the process is time consuming, the Executive proposes new solutions – introduction of QR on the documents (machine readable image).

“In case when the taxpayer will download a document from the personal office, it will be downloaded by QR code, which will be recognized by the bodies, when that document will be submitted,” the rapporteur underscored.

According to Artur Manukyan, as the introducing new system is time consuming, it is proposed to have the law to enter into force from January 1, 2026.

Emphasizing the adoption of the initiative, the Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan was interested: “There are cases, when we adopt regulations, then it becomes clear that in terms of use the system is technically not ready or it is necessary to review the term. Setting distinct term, have the possible difficulties and problems been taken into consideration, which can occur.”

In response, the Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee noted that the necessary time was calculated, which will be spent for having the abovementioned system. According to the rapporteur, the works have started in the regulation of the relevant technical issues.

The initiative was debated in the first reading at April 26 sitting of the Standing Committee on the Economic Affairs and was endorsed.