Ambassador of Latvia to Armenia in National Assembly

On October 2 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, received Mr. Aivars Vovers, Ambassador of Latvia to Armenia.

During the meeting the issues related to the Armenian-Latvian inter-parliamentary ties were discussed. Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, noted that the good inter-parliamentary relations between the two countries still have unexercised opportunities for the development. It was noted that Armenia declared the European integration as a strategic goal, and especially given the Latvian experience accumulated on the way of accession to the European Union (EU) will be very productive, taking into account that the Baltic republics are former Soviet countries in legislative as well as in institutional aspects. Both parties stressed the cooperation within the nternational structures during the meeting. The NA President Tigran Torosyan gave an example of the productive work with the delegations of the Baltic countries in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Touching upon the New Neighbourhood programme of the European Union within the framework of which the signing of an agreement with Armenia is envisaged during these days, Mr. Aivars Vovers, Ambassador of Latvia to Armenia, noted that it will create new opportunities for the implementation of the joint programmes. He informed the NA President about the parliamentary elections, which will be held in Latvia this week, noting that, according to the opinion polls, great changes are not expected. The Ambassador assured that after the parliamentary elections a Parliamentary Friendship Group with Armenia also will be set up in the Latvian Parliament, which has been an important link of inter-parliamentary cooperation during these years in the context of meetings and discussions. He reaffirmed the invitation of the NA President’s official visit to Latvia.

During the meeting other issues of mutual importance were also discussed.