Armen Khachatryan and Sisak Gabrielyan meet with students of Goris Children and Youth Sports School: Development of sport is of strategic importance
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The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security Armen Khachatryan met with the students, coach and secretary of the RA Wrestling Federation of Goris children and youth sports school on June 8.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Sisak Gabrielyan also took part in the meeting.

Armen Khachatryan, welcoming the guests from his hometown, mainly touched upon the sport life in Goris and the existing problems. According to him, the development of sport in general is of strategic importance. The necessity for physical training was emphasized, because those same athletes join the ranks of our army after one or two years.

The construction of new, modern gymnasiums where our future champions will train, has been highlighted. The Deputy Chair of the Committee noted a number of problems that will be solved in the near future.

Sisak Gabrielyan presented the situation of the republic’s sport world in general terms, highlighted the cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports as a result of which the problems arising in sport life are solved.

It is noteworthy that there are around 70 sport schools for children and youth in the republic. According to the decision of the Government, sports schools for children and youth of all regions, including Goris, were provided with sport equipment. More than 280 million AMD has been allocated from the state budget to the programme of securing sport property in 2022.

According to Sisak Gabrielyan, an unprecedented amount of around one billion dollars is planned to be allocated to the field of education, science, culture and sport next year.

He underscored that the Government does not save money for security and education (including sport).

The Chair of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport also touched upon the certification of coaches. It was mentioned that everything is done to avoid possible corruption during certification process.

Other issues regarding the sector were also debated at the meeting.

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