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Alen Simonyan Hosts RA First Lady Anna Hakobyan and Silvana Koch-Mehrin
On May 12, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan hosted the First Lady of the Republic of Armenia Anna Hakobyan and the President and Founder of Women Political Leaders (WPL) Silvana Koch-Mehrin, who arrived in Armenia at the latter’s invitation.The RA NA President made a tour with the guests in parliam...

Members of RA NA Friendship Group Armenia-USA continue their meetings in Washington
The members of the RA NA Friendship Group Armenia-USA continue the series of their meetings in Washington with the representatives of the state structures, as well as the authoritative analytical centers.In particular, the Head of the Friendship Group, the Head of the NA Civil Contract Faction Hayk ...

An opportunity is created to exclude the use of obsolete, non-modernized equipment in the sphere of health
Amendments are regularly made in necessary property and technical, as well as professional equipment for the kinds of activity subject to licensing in the sphere of health, taking into consideration the international experience, the technological developments, the developments and changes of educati...

Penalties proposed for illegal sand extraction from border rivers
It is proposed to establish a procedure for issuing a one-time permit for mineral extraction for the purpose of constructing riverbed barriers with the package of drafts on Making Addenda to the RA Code on Subsoil and on Making Addendum to the Code on Administrative Offenses. It is also designed to ...