Letters sent to international colleagues with call of restraining the actions of Azerbaijan, responses were made
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The presidency of the National Assembly, the heads of the friendship groups, the chairs of the committees send numerous letters to foreign parliaments and international parliamentary organizations, informing about the next provocation carried out on the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia by the armed forces of Azerbaijan on April 11.

The Armenian parliamentarians call on their colleagues to make all necessary efforts and to increase the international pressure towards Azerbaijan for retraining the latter’s aggressive actions and to prevent the possible escalation in our region.

The international colleagues and the representatives of the structures spread statements on the Azerbaijani next provocation on the sovereign territory of Armenia.

Hrachya Hakobyan’s speech in the Meeting organized by the International Organization for Migration
On April 5, in Athens the deputy of the Civil Contract Faction Hrachya Hakobyan gave a speech in the International Meeting on Migration: challenges and opportunities: the UN with Orthodox partners around the globe organized by the UN the International Migration Organization. ...