Rustam Bakoyan Inquires about Programmes Being Implemented in Communities Representing National Minorities as a Result of Community Enlargement Process
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During the National Assembly-Government Q&A session the NA deputy Rustam Bakoyan inquired from the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan about the community enlargement process. He noted that in those enlarged communities, where the representatives of national minorities reside, the implementing financial programmes with their rate concede the programmes being implemented in the remaining enlarged communities. The MP tried to find out what programmes the Government will carry out in those communities.

The Prime Minister noticed that not all densely populated communities with national minorities were enlarged, as the latter did not want that enlargement would take place in their communities. According to the Prime Minister, the opportunities of the enlarged community budgets, but they are bigger, the latter have an opportunity of presenting bigger subsidy programmes. As the Prime Minister assessed, that opportunity should also be in the enlarged Alagyaz community. “We should think that in the event of such communities in case of national minorities what resolutions we can apply to overcome the problem,” Nikol Pashinyan noted.

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