Foreign Minister to Sargis Khandanyan: No, We Don’t Negotiate Over Setting an Azerbaijani Checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor
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During the National Assembly-Government Q&A session the deputy of the Civil Contract Faction inquired from the Foreign Minister’s position related to the messages sounded by the President of Azerbaijan during the Summit of Turkish Countries, which contain threats against the sovereign territory of Armenia. The MP also was interested in recent observations of Azerbaijan on peace treaty to be signed with Armenia.

The Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan has noted that the abovementioned phenomenon is not a novelty. “On the one hand, the negotiation process goes on, on the other hand we see the more escalating rhetoric and threats of Azerbaijan,” Ararat Mirzoyan said and added that in recent period these manifestations increased. “My mentioned rhetoric and aggressive posture not only promote the process, but also create new obstacles for the given process,” the Minister underscored.

Responding to the MP’s next question, Ararat Mirzoyan noted that Armenia does not negotiate over setting an Azerbaijani checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor.