Seyran Ohanyan: Future of Artsakh is Self-determination, Having Independent Artsakh Republic
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I have sent letters to the leaderships of the international all structures, embassies, the countries of the Minsk Group Co-chairmanship, the UN once again presenting the humanitarian and disastrous situation created in Artsakh. Besides, the opposition is in a direct connection with the authorities and people of Artsakh, the representatives of the opposition political forces try to solve humanitarian problems for Artsakh. And the faction also voices in all meetings. The Head of the NA Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan said about this during the parliamentary briefings on January 19.

Answering to the journalist’s question, the Head of the Faction noted that by closing the Lachin Corridor the leadership of Azerbaijan tries to depopulate the Armenian people of Artsakh depriving them the right to live on their historical territory and to ensure the sustainable development, as well as to have appropriate influence of the leadership of the Republic of Armenia. According to Seyran Ohanyan, in solving the opening of the road and humanitarian situation the international community, also Russia and the Minsk Group Co-Chair all countries should make efforts for having influence on the authorities of Azerbaijan.

“The future of Artsakh is determination, having independent Artsakh Republic,” the deputy underlined.

According to Seyran Ohanyan, the actions of the leadership of Azerbaijan, the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem mean that the peace agenda is false, and the RA authorities enter in that false agenda, fearing to say that Artsakh has been self-determined many years ago, and in these conditions Artsakh has no opportunity to live being part of Azerbaijan and should not live being part of that country.

Touching upon the emergency and painful accident happened today in the RA Armed Forces, Seyran Ohanyan noted that high ranking officials should answer for that. “If we have victims and losses during the combat actions, defense of the homeland, that will be perceivable in some way, but in relatively peaceful conditions, during non-combat actions to have such losses is unacceptable for our people,” the Head of the Faction underscored.

Summing up the previous year, Seyran Ohanyan noted that the year 2022 has been a difficult year. As a result of the joint activity of Azerbaijan and Turkey the pressures and the military operations, the provocations not only on the border of Artsakh, but also on the border of the Republic of ARMENIA continued.

According to the Head of the Faction, the actions on September 13-14 serve as a vivid evidence that Azerbaijan and Turkey don’t have an aim to live peacefully co-existing and continued their criminal activities, several positions of the border, settlements of the Republic of Armenia, and also causing losses in the RA Armed Forces.

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