Amount of Minimum Salary to Be 75.000 AMD from January 1, 2023 by Legislative Initiative
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It is proposed to set the amount of the minimum monthly salary in our country 75.000 AMD instead of the present 68.000 AMD from January 1, 2023 by the legislative package. Accordingly, the minimum amounts of the hourly tariff rate for the workers being paid on fee or hourly basis will also be increased.

At December 2 extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, the legislative package on Amending the Law on Minimum Monthly Salary and on Making Amendments and Addendum to the RA Labor Code authored by the Government was debated in the second reading and endorsed.

As the RA Deputy Minister Ruben Sargsyan assured, the legislative initiative stems from the Government programme.

After the first reading editorial amendments were made.

The debate of the package of drafts on Making Addenda and Amendments to the Law on State Benefits and on Amending the Law on State Pensions was interrupted until December 5 for adjusting some items.

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