Members of NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs are in Vilnius on Working Visit
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The members of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs met with the Chairs and members of the Committee on Social Affairs and Labour and the Commission for the Rights of People with Disabilities of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania during the working visit to Vilnius. Issues related to the formation of a favorable legal environment and post-legislative control were discussed during the meeting.

Issues related to the improvement of labor legislation, effective state control, ensuring protected labor rights and extrajudicial mechanisms in order to resolve labor disputes were discussed during the meetings with the Labor Inspectorate, Confederation of Trade Unions and Employment and Social Services. The State Labour Inspectorate of Lithuania is considered one of the best in this field and has been investigating cases of psychological violence in the workplace for about a year.

The need to create legal bases for the prohibition of discrimination and ensuring equality of rights and the problem of practical application were discussed in the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson.

The Committee members met with the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Mantas Adomėnas and the Head of the Friendship Group Lithuania-Armenia Raimundas Lopata during the working visit.

During the meetings, reference was made to the current level of the Armenian-Lithuanian relations and the need to further deepen them. On behalf of the delegation, the Committee Chair Heriknaz Tigranyan thanked her colleagues for the direct position of Lithuania and its statement condemning Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia, as well as hoped that the peace agenda promoted by democratic Armenia will find support from the international community, including the Baltic countries.

The RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan and the Deputy Head of the Integrated Social Service Tamara Torosyan also participated in the working visit.

The visit was organized with the support of the International Republican Institute.

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