Use of Genetically Modified Organisms to Be Restricted in RA Whole Territory
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The legal relations connected with the restrictions of the use of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and those issues are regulated by the draft law. The draft law will restrict maximum the use of the GMOs in the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia: the Deputy Minister of Economy Arman Khojoyan said during the debate of the draft law on Genetically Modified Organisms and the package of the draft laws.

At November 9 sitting, the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment debated the draft.

The goal of the adoption of the legislative package is to exclude their possible unfavourable influence on the environment, the human health, biodiversity, security of the lands of agricultural significance through the regulation of the relations connected with the use and biosecurity of the GMOs in the RA.

According to the Deputy Minister, the draft relates to the restriction of the import only the seeds and plant materials, which refers to the GMOs. Arman Khojoyan noted that it does not refer to the GMOs existing in the food product, which is regulated by other law.

To the question of the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Vahe Ghalumyan, which structure will assume the function of the law control, it was noted that the control will carry out the Food Safety Inspectorate.

The draft was endorsed by the Committee.

The debate of the draft law on Amending the law on Peculiarities of the Local Payment and Administrative Proceeding of the Motor Vehicles’ Parking was postponed because of the main rapporteur’s absence.