Statement of Artur Baghdasaryan, President of the National Assembly

On the occasion of the establishment of the Armenian National Chapter of “Global Organization of Parliamentarians Fighting Corruption” (GOPAC), and taking into account the procedures of that world organization, Artur Baghdasaryan, Speaker of the National Assembly, made a statement, where it reads: “On the initiative of the National Assembly within the framework of international anti-corruption conference to be held in Yerevan, having as a basis the agreement made with John Williams, Chairman of “Global Organization of Parliamentarians Fighting Corruption” (GOPAC), an Armenian National Chapter of GOPAC was established with the participation of the MPs of all factions/group presented in the National Assembly.

“Global Organization of Parliamentarians Fighting Corruption” was established in 2002 on the initiative of the parliamentarians of more than 70 countries by the assistance of the World Bank and other international authoritative institutions and is aimed at promoting the strengthening of the monitoring role of the parliaments with the participation of all concerned actors against corruption, boosting the deepening of democratic developments. This global organization has regional and national institutions in all the countries and regions, where the corruption continues to remain the hindering factor of the development of the societies and where the fighting against those phenomena is highlighted.

By establishing the Armenian National Chapter of GOPAC we once again re-establish the necessity and resolve of eradicating the corruption in our country. I’m confident that the consistent combating against corruption and the unbiased application of the law will greatly promote the deepening of democratic reforms, the development of free and competitive market. It’s without doubt that the participation and effective cooperation through the parliament, civil society institutes and mass media will greatly promote the defeat of corruption, which finally is accompanied with the victory of democracy.