Congratulatory Message by Alen Simonyan on Knowledge Day
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Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you on Knowledge Day. The updating and development of knowledge does not begin and end with the academic year. It is a non-stop process, all links of which have their mission.

The start of each academic year brings with it new expectations, new feelings and hopes. September 1 is an important day for the parents sending their child to school for the first time, a student graduating from a university, a restless pupil in a completely new world who does not get along with fancy outfits, and a teacher who fulfills his/her mission with honor. The ability to transfer knowledge is a big task, and our tomorrow depends on its solution.

Dear compatriots, the improvement of the education system is the imperative of the day, the result of which is a strong state with compassionate and patriotic citizens.

I wish the pupils, students and all those responsible for the educational process a successful academic year.

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