Government Defines Rights and Responsibilities of Reference Laboratories by Legislative Initiative
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The Government makes an addendum to the Law on Medical Aid and Service for Population in order to clarify the scope of reference laboratories in the health sector.

The issue was debated in the first reading at the NA extraordinary session convened on July 6.

According to the RA Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan said that although it is defined by the law that a reference laboratory is a laboratory recognized by the procedure established by the Government, which has necessary capacity and competence to ensure maximum accuracy of specialized measurements with one or more research indicators, nevertheless, the scope of the activities of reference laboratories, as well as the grounds for their termination, are not fixed by the current legislation

Taking into account the above-mentioned, the Government defines the rights and responsibilities of reference laboratories, the scope of reference and current functions, as well as the funding grounds through the legislative initiative.

Hripsime Hunanyan, a member of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care, voiced that the draft was debated in the Head Committee and endorsed.

The deputies debated in the second reading the legislative package envisaging amendments to the Law on Medical Aid and Service for Population and the related laws, and the bill proposing amendments and addendum to the Constitutional Law on RA Judicial Code.

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