New Jobs have been Created at an Advanced Stage, Average Salary has Increased: Gevorg Papoyan
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The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan, giving a speech on the report on the Government programme implementation for 2021, first, presented observations on some of the views expressed in the RA Prime Minister’s speech, then he referred to the financial and economic sectors of the Government programme implementation for 2021, some accusations voiced against the authorities.

Gevorg Papoyan noted that the state budget revenues increased by 12% in 2021 compared to 2020 and by 36 % compared to indicators registered on December 31, 2017.

Regarding the expenditure directions, he noted that in 2021, there was a 100% execution of expenditures. Speaking about the increases in several directions, the Committee Chair emphasized that not 1 or 2, but tens of percent growth was registered in different spheres.

The deputy touched upon the implementation of capital investments, noting that according to the state budget for 2022, the level of capital expenditures was increased by 60 % compared to 2021. “So, that we cannot only increase benefits, salaries and pensions in the coming years, but also create a stable basis that will allow us to maintain their increase and continuously maintain the level of growth,” he said.

“The wage bill has risen at a much faster rate than the average salary, which means that new jobs have been created in parallel. New jobs have been created at an advanced stage, the people’s average salary has increased,” presenting the average annual salary indicators and speaking about the comparability of the minimum consumer basket, the deputy noted.

Gevorg Papoyan informed that in the republic, compared to 2017-2018, deposits have increased by 56%, moreover, the deposits of residents have increased by 52%.

“The RA citizens’ deposits have increased by 52% after the revolution and have become 3.2 trillion AMD compared to the previous 2.1 trillion AMD. I think that this is a vivid proof,” he said.

Referring to the inflation, the Committee Chair mentioned that it is mainly conditioned by foreign factors.

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