At Special Sitting of the RA National Assembly Vahagn Khachaturyan Assumes Office of President of the Republic
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On 13 March 2022, the special sitting of the RA National Assembly was convened at Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concerts Complex to assume the Office of the RA newly elected President Vahagn Khchaturyan.

Opening the special sitting the RA NA Vice President, the NA Acting President Hakob Arshakyan noted:

“Distinguished RA newly elected President,

Your Holiness,

Distinguished Prime Minister,

Distinguished President of Artsakh,

Dear deputies,

Your Excellencies, Ambassadors,

Dear guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

On the occasion of the solemn inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic and assuming of the Office, according to the RA Constitution, a special sitting of the National Assembly was convened. 70 deputies have been registered, we have quorum and we can begin the work. The RA National Assembly elected President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan on 3 March 2022. I announce the special sitting convened for the inauguration ceremony of assuming the Office of the President of the Republic opened.”

Under the sounds of the military march the RA State Flag and the Symbol of Presidential Power were brought in, then the original copy of the RA Constitution and the 7th century Gospel.

Hakob Arshakyan invited the newly elected President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan for assuming the obligations of the President of the Republic and taking the oath of office.

“Assuming the office of President of the Republic of Armenia, I swear to be loyal to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, be impartial in the exercise of my powers, be guided only by public and national interests, and to do everything in my power in order to strengthen national unity,” Vahagn Khachaturyan said putting his hand on the RA Constitution and the Gospel.

The anthem of the Republic of Armenia sounded, after which His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch, the Catholicos of All Armenians had his pontifical blessing.

He noted that thirty years ago the Armenian people with heroic struggle rebuilt its independent statehood, passing through the difficult path of fighting and ordeals. During those years four Presidents assumed the leadership of the country on the path of the establishment of the Armenian statehood. “Today, you are going to assume that responsible office which is the symbol of the Armenian independent statehood,” the Catholicos of All Armenians said, adding that being consistent in rule of justice and law, the protection of state-wide and nation-wide interests are in the area of the RA President's power.

After the united standing prayer, the RA President Vahagn Khachatryan gave a speech, particularly noting:

“Today, I assume the office of President of the Republic of Armenia in an important period for the future of Armenia, when we are facing hard regional and international challenges. We are witnessing rapidly changing geopolitical events, as a result of which the functioning world security systems are transformed. Today, more than ever we need wisdom, trust, stability and unity.”

The newly elected President underlined that after getting independence, our country had chosen its special way of development. “The passed thirty and more years was a period of great ordeals for our people and compatriots. Unfortunately, during that period of the state establishment there were losses, irreversible losses. It relates especially the human losses, the RA citizens, who fell protecting our Homeland – glory forever and honour to all of them.”

Touching upon the works to be done, Vahagn Khachaturyan noted that the peoples with small amount should be innovative and creative. According to him, it is possible to achieve all this only with the competitive educational system. “The education, the knowledge, the culture are considered to be the warrant of our nation's longevity,” the President said.

The RA NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan congratulated the President of the Republic on assuming the office.

“Distinguished Mr President of the Republic of Armenia, on behalf of the National Assembly and personally me I congratulate you on being elected in the high post of the President of the Republic of Armenia and assuming the office.

I am convinced that you will serve your rich work experience, knowledge and the human qualities for the implementation of the nationwide goals and the strengthening of national unity and statehood for the development of the Republic of Armenia and for the welfare of the Armenian people.

I wish you strong will and steadfastness of mind on the way of this important mission. Let love and kindness will always guide you in every work,” Hakob Arshakyan noted.

Afterwards the original copy of the RA Constitution and the 7th century Gospel, the RA State Flag and the Symbol of Presidential Power were taken out of the hall.

The RA NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan announced the special sitting of the National Assembly closed.