Sona Ghazaryan’s Online Speech at PACE Plenary Session
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On January 24-28, the Member of the RA NA Delegation to PACE Sona Ghazaryan in online format took part in the works of the First Part of PACE Plenary Session and gave a speech. The MP particularly noted”

“My daughter was born last year during World pandemic and 44 day Nagorno Karabagh war. To be sincere I would never believe this is the situation I would be. My daughter is already one-year-old and it is a year since trilateral statement has been signed between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia but our Armenian brothers are still illegally kept in Azerbaijan, prisoners of war.

It is a year but situation is far from being normal. I have to once more cite the resolution adopted here at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, dear colleagues, the resolution adopted by us named Humanitarian consequences of Nagorno Karabagh conflict where the rapporteur clearly stated about the cases of the 31 individuals held captive, the rapporteur has been shown videos, photos and information on the place and circumstances of their capture and their identities. 31 cases of enforced disappearances. 31 cases of my brothers being illegally kept. This information is also available to the European Court of Human Rights.

I truly believe that the Council of Europe as an institutional structure does its best for the human rights and would continuously work to bring my brothers back to Armenia.

Prisoners of war are not matter of trade as some would advise to Mr. Aliyev. My brothers are human beings whose rights are being constantly violated.”