It is Proposed to Create Civil and Administrative Chambers
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On January 11, at the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs the draft law on Making Amendments and Addendum to the Constitutional Law the RA Judicial Code with the package authored by the Government was debated in the first reading.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Yeranuhi Tumanyants has noted that it is designed to create two independent, with separate specializations Civil and Administrative Chambers by eliminating the Civil and Administrative Chamber of the Court of Appeal, settle the issues connected with providing their formation and normal activities. It is also designed to introduce flexible mechanisms of replenishing of the judges’ candidates and the candidates’ lists subject to advancement, without restriction of terms and the number subject to replenishment.

The implementation of the examination of the administrative cases in the Court of the Appeal through the specialized Administrative Chamber will be ensured by the adoption of the legislative package, as well as an opportunity will be given to the Supreme Judicial Council to provide the replenishment of the lists of the candidates, subject to the advancement of the judges’ candidates with more flexible mechanisms

The deputy noted that there were proposals from the Expertise and Analytical Department of the National Assembly on the content and of technical character, which were accepted by the author.

The revised legislative package with the proposals was endorsed.

The debate of the legislative package on Amending the Constitutional Court the RA Judicial Code, on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Provision of the Activity, Service and Social Guarantees of the Officials and on Amending the law on State Pensions will be postponed up to two months.

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