Annual Fee of Regular Passenger Transportations is Replaced by One-Time Fee for Giving Right to Service
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At December 9 sitting of the National Assembly, the legislative package on Amending the RA Law on State Duty and on Making Amendments to the RA Law on Road Transport was debated in the first reading.

The RA Deputy Minister Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan noted that the requirement for licensing the organization of regular passenger transportations was removed with the legislative amendments made in 2014, and the requirement of the annual state duty was maintained.

According to the proposed regulation, the annual state duty for the annual service of regular passenger transportations is replaced by one-time state duty for giving the right to service.

The deputy Hayk Tsirunyan voiced about the positive conclusion of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs.

During the regular sitting, the National Assembly adopted a number of debated legislative initiatives by voting. The legislative package on Amending the RA Criminal Code and on Amending the RA Criminal Procedure Code authored by Armenia Faction was not adopted.