Members of NA Civil Contract Faction Refer to Formation of Committee Examining 44-Day War
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During the parliamentary briefings, the members of the NA Civil Contract Faction Andranik Kocharyan, Artur Hovhannisyan and Arusyak Julhakyan referred to the question of the correspondent of the news website. The journalist was interested in the reason for not forming a Committee Examining the 44-day war until now. He has noted that the opposition accuses the power of artificially delaying the process.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Andranik Kocharyan has underlined that they defer for the opposition to put the permit documents in order. Three from four opposition deputies being included in the Committee received those documents, Artur Ghazinyan from the Armenia Faction – not. The latter did not present the relevant permit documents yet to have an opportunity to use closed modes and secret documents. “We will carry out our promise. It should inevitably be so that there will be no speculations,” Andranik Kocharyan said.

Artur Hovhannisyan is sure that the Civil Contract Faction is the first to be concerned about revealing the episodes of the 44-day war.

Arusyak Julhakyan expressed an opinion that the RA Prime Minister was the first who immediately spoke about the importance of forming the Committee examining the circumstances of 44-day war after the war, and the Civil Contract initiated it.

As Andranik Kocharyan has clarified, the legal solution has been found which will give an opportunity to have a representative from the extra-parliamentary forces and the parents of missing persons and victims within the framework of a certain format of the work. “When we announce the start of work, we will say in what format the extra-parliamentary forces will participate. This differs from an ordinary Inquiry Committee in being a constitutional requirement. The NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security is authorized to form an Inquiry Committee in such issues and to carry out its work within a distinct period of time,” the Committee Chair said.