Members of NA Armenia Faction Meet with Ambassador of Great Britain to RA
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On September 28, the Head of the NA Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan, members Anna Grigoryan, Artur Ghazinyan, Aram Vardevanyan and Artur Khachatryan met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to RA John Gallagher.

Welcoming the Ambassador in parliament, Seyran Ohanyan highlighted the development of the Armenian-British relations and the political dialogue existing between two states. “The bilateral and multilateral relations promote the effective cooperation between the delegations of two countries on the international parliamentary platforms,” the Head of the Faction underlined.

During the meeting the parliamentarians talked about the situation created in the country because of war, the borders of the Republic of Armenia and the security of roads.

The crimes committed by Azerbaijan during the 44-day war, particularly the atrocities carried out towards the people and the historical-cultural values were touched upon.

The importance of the support by the international community in the return of the captives and the disclosure of the missing was especially underlined.

The members of the Armenia Faction spoke about the problems existing in the judicial-legal system, as well as the prosecutions towards the members of the Armenia Alliance.

The role of the Armenia Faction in parliament was referred to.

The interlocutors also discussed other issues of bilateral interest.

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