RA NA President Alen Simonyan Has Meetings with Representatives of National Minorities Represented in Parliament
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The Head of the Parliament was interested in problems of the national minorities living in Armenia, expressed readiness to be consistent and support their solution.

According to the representative of the Yazidi community Rustam Bakoyan, it possible to solve the problems of the community with the assistance of the power: The MP has noted that after the last two and a half years, it is a fact that the power is ready to support for the solution of the national minorities’ problems in Armenia.

According to the representative of the Kurdish community Knyaz Hasanov, the meeting testifies to Alen Simonyan’s special attention and attitude towards the national minorities. He has thanked the authorities of Armenia for responding to the problems raised by the community, and its evidence is already the repairing of a number of roads.

At the meeting with Alen Smonyan the representative of the Russian Community in the NA Aleksey Sandikov expressed hope that the good traditions formed in parliament of the previous convocation would be continuous during the activity of the National Assembly of the eighth convocation.

Getting acquainted with the problems of the Assyrian community residing in Armenia the President of the Parliament urged Zemfira Mirzoeva to be actively involved in representing the interests of the community in parliament. The deputy thanked the NA President for the invitation to the meeting and noted that she was delegated to the parliament for making the voice of the community heard. And agreement was reached to visit the Assyrian community in the near future too, to get familiarized with the problems on the spot and, if necessary, to give them legislative solution.