Parliament Ends Work of Extraordinary Session
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The extraordinary session of the National Assembly was convened at the initiative of the Government. Before beginning the legislative work, the NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan proposed the deputies to honour in one-minute silence the memory of the serviceman fallen as a consequence of the incident happened on July 14 on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

Afterwards, according to Article 33.4 of the constitutional law the NA Rules of Procedure, the deputy Ara Melikjanyan, who replenished the NA composition, was sworn-in.

The parliament debated in the first and second readings and passed the draft laws on Making Amendment and Addendum to the law on State Duty, on Amending the Law on Remuneration of Persons Holding Public Positions and Public Service, on Making Amendment and Addendum, on Making Amendment and Addendum to the RA Code on Administrative Offences, the draft law on Ratifying the Amendment the Loan Agreement Armenia-Georgia Border Regional Road Improvement Project signed between the Republic of Armenia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), as well as the amendments being proposed to the law on Making Addendum and Amendments to the Code on Administrative Offences authored by the Government.