Thanks to Those Who Keep Armenia in Their Souls

On October 25, RA NA President, Artur Baghdasaryan, received the delegation of the Board of Trustees of Armenian Assembly of America.

By the guests' request the NA President presented the amendment process in Armenia, especially the constitutional draft amendment (which enjoyed the estimation of the international institutions), the picture of economic development (it was noted that for the first time the profit part has come to the threshold of 1bn in the draft budget submitted to the parliament) and the processes of Armenia’s European Integration. The delegates of the Board of Trustees of the Armenian Assembly of America directed to the NA President dozens of questions that referred to the tax collection, the policy of tourism development, control of criminal situation, independence of judicial system, the law on lobbying, adoption of dual citizenship, corruption and so on.

At the end of the meeting the NA President wished success to the delegation members and thanked for their efforts in favor of Armenians, noting that they keep Armenia in their souls and stressed that the political and economic developments open good prospects for Armenia, for which a consistent work is needed.

The Participants of the First Pan-Armenian Meeting of Dentists in National Assembly
On October 25 RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan received the participants of the first pan-Armenian meeting of dentists, who arrived in Armenia from 16 countries. Ashot Gevorgyan, Chairman of the Armenian Dental Association, represented the guests and noted that the best dentists of the world gathe...