Message by RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan on May 9
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On 9 May 2021, which is the first after the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan and Turkey on September 27, it is difficult to mark the triple holiday through several years in the same way. Nevertheless, we are obliged to pay our tribute to our grandfathers, who have participated in the Great Patriotic War and our fathers and brothers who have taken part in the Artsakh First War and Shushi liberation.

Armenian Shushi has been through many years and continues to be one of the important pillars of the Armenian identity, and today despite the fact that Shushi is under the Azerbaijani control, it should be one of the most important symbols of the Armenian rebirth.

The Republic of Armenia shall continue the negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group to reach the recognition of the right to the self-determination of the Artsakh Armenians and the restoration of the territorial integrity for Artsakh.