Details About Works of Plenary Session of Euronest PA
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On April 12-19, the plenary session of Euronest PA of the Eastern Partnership was held online. At April 26 press conference, the Head of the Delegation Viktor Yengibaryan and the members of the delegation Arman Yeghoyan, Taron Simonyan and Maria Karapetyan presented the details of the implemented work of the NA delegation in the Assembly.

On April 19, the sittings of the Committees on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies, on Social Affairs, Employment, Education, Culture and Civil Society, on Energy Security and on Political, Human Rights and Democracy were held. Viktor Yengibaryan, who is a member of the Committee on Political Human Rights and Democracy noted that this time the Committee in its resolution referred to the issues on European Integration in the countries of the Eastern Partnership. Attention was drawn to the circumstance that the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement came already into force from March 1. “The three states of the Eastern Partnership have an Association Agreement with the EU, and it was important for us to emphasize our agreement and draw attention of our European partners to that fact,” the Head of the Delegation underlined.

The issues due to COVID-19 were debated in the Assembly too, the members of the Armenian delegation gave speeches during the debate.

“It is important for us to emphasize the issue of the return of prisoners of war due to the statement of November 9, and its obligation, unfortunately, the Azerbaijani side did not fully implement. I should say that there is a broad consensus among European partners on this issue. Not only our delegates, but also a number of European members of Parliament gave a speech and noted that Azerbaijan should fulfill the agreements,” Viktor Yengibaryan recorded.

They referred to the Azerbaijan’s policy of Armenophobia, the so called “military trophy park” disgraceful story and the protection of the Armenian cultural heritage.

The RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan and the President of the European Parliament gave a speech in the beginning of the plenary session. The Speakers of the Parliaments of Ukraine and Georgia delivered a speech. “The President of Milli Majlis in Azerbaijan has not delivered a speech, which reminds us that the Azerbaijani side is not satisfied with the works of the Euronest, as all the anti-Armenian paragraphs proposed by them were removed from the resolutions,” Yengibaryan stated.

The member of the delegation Taron Simonyan informed that two years ago our delegation proposed to discuss a resolution on the synergy of education and economy in the Committee on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies which was discussed and passed. A significant part of more than 100 proposals were adopted by the delegation and the MPs of the Euronest.

The works of the Committee on Energy Security presented Arman Yeghoyan. As a tradition, the Azerbaijanis raised a question of the Soviet nuclear power plants, of course, referring to the Armenian nuclear power plant. “But as in all previous cases, their proposals (to be careful, to be vigilant in the security of the nuclear power plants of the Soviet countries, to close them) were failed. This is an information for the people who manipulate the theme of the nuclear power plant that we have problems there. Even at the level of the Parliamentary Assembly, it was proved that there is neither a technical problem nor a political problem,” Yeghoyan underlined.

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