“The Future of the Region is the European United Family”

On October 5 RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan received Goran Lennmarker, OSCE PA Special Representative on Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

During the meeting both sides the peaceful settlement of South Caucasus regional conflicts and deepening of democracy, which will give opportunity to the development of the regional countries with the perspective of being integrated in the European big family.

At the request of Mr. Lennmarker RA NA President informed about the process of constitutional reforms taking place in Armenia, after the successful end of which other laws will also be changed complying with European standards. Both sides highlighted the inclusion of the whole society in the processes of constitutional reforms.

Elaborating on the current stage of the peaceful settlement of Nagaorno Karabakh conflict, Mr. Lennmarker noted that his presented report on the issue in Washington was very symbolically called “Golden Opportunity,” and he really finds that both Azerbaijan and Armenia a golden opportunity is created for overcoming the conflict and progress. NA President Artur Baghdasaryan noted that Armenia was for the peaceful settlement of the conflict and expressed a wish that the key problem will get its peaceful and fair solution.

During the meeting the problems of the establishment of the Armenian-Swedish inter-parliamentary relations were also discussed.

The Issues of the Establishment of Armenia-Italy Chamber of Commerce Discussed
On October 5 Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA President met the delegation headed by Adolpho Urso, Deputy Minister for Productive Activities of the Republic of Italy. Marco Clemente, the Ambassador of Italy to Armenia participated at the meeting.NA President Artur Baghdasaryan highlighted the holding of th...