Special Investigative Service to be Dissolved
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At March 18 sitting, the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs debated in the second reading on the Anti-Corruption Committee and the legislative package designing amendments and addenda to a number of enclosed laws.

The RA Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan presented the amendments during the period from the first to the second reading. In connection with the status of persons implementing operative-intelligence functions, a type of service in the Anti-Corruption Committee is determined. The groups of the posts of the employees of the Anti-Corruption Committee and the requirements were reconsidered.

The Government will appoint one of the three candidates proposed by the Competition Council for the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee: previously appointed by the Prime Minister. The Special Investigation Service will be dissolved. The transitional provisions of the draft law on the Anti-Corruption Committee have been completely revised.

A number of articles based on the proposal of the Bright Armenia Faction were revised too.

The debate of the draft law on the RA Criminal Procedure Code was postponed for two months.

RA NA Delegation takes part in Plenary Session of PABSEC General Assembly
On May 13-15, the 63rd Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) was held in Tirana, in the capital of Albania. The Head of the delegation of the RA National Assembly to PABSEC, the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babke...

NA deputies visit Rya Taza village of Aragatsotn Marz
On May 15, the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Rustam Bakoyan, the Committee Members Marina Ghazaryan and Tigran Parsilyan visited Rya Taza village of Aragatsotn Marz to get acquainted with the problems of the absence of drinking water, gasi...