NA Inquiry Committee Addresses the Government with 251 Questions
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The NA Investigative Committee compiled and sent a questionnaire comprised of 251 questions to the government within fixed term. At February 16 sitting, Arkady Khachatryan, the Chairman of the NA Inquiry Committee for studying the effectiveness of the measures taken by the Government and the Commandant’s Office to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID 19), to mitigate or eliminate the consequences of the epidemic in the fight against the virus, as well as to study the effectiveness and legality of restrictions of human rights and fundamental freedoms during the state of emergency, informed about that.

164 questions out of 251 refer to the sphere of health, 44 – to the economic consequences and the directions of the financial means expenditure, 49 – to the social sphere. Queries were also sent to the Audit Chamber, the RA Central Bank, the State Revenue Committee, the RA Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Defense, the Police, the State Control Service and the Human Rights Defender.

The representatives of the NA opposition factions presented their questions.

The deputies of My Step Faction have noted that the process of the fight against pandemic has not ended, and the Inquiry Committee has been created ahead of time, thus the Faction has not considered purposeful to submit questions. Moreover, answers have been given to them on different occasions, and there are political claims in the questionnaire.

The Committee Chair reminded that according to the preliminary agreement, the questionnaire should not be undergone censorship: there could be proposals.

The Audit Chamber was the first to answer to the Inquiry Committee. The structure expressed readiness to submit the studies and the results of the Chamber.

Arkady Khachatryan expected also to listen to the heads of the other departments.