Amendments to Law on Duties and Payments
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At February 10 sitting, the parliament debated the draft law on designing addendum to the law on State Duty. A right of executing control to the state border will be given to the inspectorate carrying out control in the sphere of transport. In the opinion of the authors Artur Dallakyan, Artyom Tsarukyan, Artur Grigoryan, Arman Abovyan, such control will increase the efficiency of the inspectorate.

“The executive body has no objections on the draft law,” the Head of Urban Development, Technical Standards and Fire Safety Inspectorate Gegham Shakhbazyan.

The law will enter into force from 1 January 2022.

They proposed make Amendments and Addenda to the law on Local Duties and Payments conditioned by the necessity of the solution of the problems emerged in defining some local duties and payments. About 70 communities of the republic informed about the emerged problems.

The goal of making addendum to the RA Land Code is the creation of the necessary legislative basis. The parliament debated the draft laws in the second reading.

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Draft Law on Higher Education and Science: Direct Speech
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