Ararat Mirzoyan Delivers a Speech at Fifth World Virtual Conference of Speakers of Parliament of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
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On August 20, the RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan took part in the Fifth World Virtual Conference of Speakers of Parliament of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The Speaker of Armenia’s Parliament gave a speech on the theme Combating Terrorism and Violent Extremism, particularly noting:

“Madam President,

Distinguished Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The topic of combating terrorism and violent extremism has become importantly crucial for last few decades. If I had only one word to answer how the globe should combat it, I would definitely say “multilateralism.” And IPU as the oldest institution that has multilateralism in its basis is one of the most appropriate platforms to address this issue. 

Terrorism in all its forms poses a direct threat to the security of the citizens of all countries. It is a persistent global threat that knows no border, nationality or religion and is a challenge that the international community must tackle together. I believe we will continue to fight this threat in all its forms and manifestations with determination and in full solidarity.

Nowadays terrorism can also be described as a form of conducting proxy wars. Unfortunately, even some IPU member states resort to this tactic as we can witness in different parts of the world. The global community may suffer from such reckless acts and parliaments should take appropriate measures to combat these challenges.

The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia attaches utmost importance to the necessity of enhancing comprehensive international co-operation in the fight against terrorism and ensures the full implementation of all relevant UN Conventions and other international legal instruments.

We, Speakers of national parliaments, should stand by the IPU to assist its efforts in maintaining democracy and peace in the world, which is a key guarantee to combat terrorism and violent extremism and not let the world to have new victims of terrorism.

Thank you very much for your attention.”