Working Discussion with Representatives of Textbook and Information Communication Technologies Revolving Fund
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On March 12, on the initiative of the member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport, the deputy of the RA NA My Step Faction Lilit Stepanyan a working discussion with the representatives of the Textbook and Information Communication Technologies Revolving Fund was held. The Deputy Chair of the Committee Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, the Committee member Anna Kostanyan, those responsible for the education, directors and teachers of different schools of Armenia took part there.

Lilit Stepanyan presented the necessity of the working discussion.

The Textbook and Information Communication Technologies Revolving Fund implemented monitoring on the issue in a number of marzes.

According to The Director of the Fund Gor Gasparyan, to clarify the opinions on dividing to two parts the textbooks and to assess its efficiency sociological survey was also held in among the parents of the pupils of the 5th – 12th classes of the city of Yerevan, Lori and Syunik marzes.

The participants of the discussion presented recommendations, particularly on providing the books to the pupils in two examples. a proposal on facilitating the content of the books also was voiced.

The MPs expressed hope that the raised issues will be solved.

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