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Information on Elections of Members RA NA Delegation to PACE
From January 26 to February 1, the RA NA delegation left for Strasbourg to take part in the works of the First Part of the Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Member of the RA NA Delegation to PACE, the Member of My Step Faction Vladimir Vardanyan was elected Chairman...

Lilit Makunts Receives Ambassador of Lithuania to Armenia
On January 30, the Head of the RA NA My Step Faction Lilit Makunts received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Armenia Inga Stanytė-Toločkienė.Welcoming the Ambassador Lilit Makunts presented the agenda of the ongoing democ...

Cultural Event in Armavir Criminal-Executive Institution
On January 29, a cultural event was held in Armavir Criminal-Executive Institution of the RA Ministry of Justice on the joint initiative of the National Value Culture All-Armenian Fund and the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs of the National Assembly. The Chairman ...

Civil Society Platform to Be Created
At January 30 extraordinary sitting, the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration moderated by Arman Yeghoyan touched upon the role of the NGOs and the Civil Society in the process of Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Advanced Partnership Agreement Road Map enforcement process.Representatives of ...

Item of Stopping State Financing of Birth Assistance Services of a Number of Medical Institutions of RA Marz
On January 29, the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs with the concerned parties organized a working discussion on the topic The Problems of Organization of Birth Assistance in the Republic of Armenia. The participants of the discussion touched upon the stopping of state fina...